Lepidoptera Larval Foodplants

This page lists the larval foodplants used by British and Irish moths. The name of each foodplant links to a Google search and secondary food sources are greyed out. The information on this page is taken from Life Cycles of British and Irish Butterflies (Eeles, 2019) and Field Guide to the Caterpillars of Great Britain and Ireland (Henwood, Sterling and Lewington, 2019). Plant names are taken from New Flora of the British Isles, 4th edition (Stace, 2019).

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Plant NamePlant Scientific NameFoodplant For
Barbula spp.Dingy Footman
Berberis turcomanicaBarberry Carpet
Botryobasidium spp.Waved Black
Caloplaca spp.Marbled Green
Cladonia fimbriataWaved Black
Cylindrobasidium leaveWaved Black
Daldinia concentricaWaved Black
Diploicia canescensMarbled Green
Flavoparmelia caperataFour-spotted Footman
Flavoparmelia spp.Buff Footman
Lecidea confluensMarbled Beauty
Peltigera membranaceaDingy Footman, Four-spotted Footman, Rosy Footman
Peltigera spp.Round-winged Muslin
Phaeolus schweinitziiWaved Black
Physcia stellarisBeautiful Hook-tip
Piptoporus betulinusWaved Black
Pleurococcus naegeliiBuff Footman, Four-spotted Footman, Red-necked Footman
Ramalina spp.Brussels Lace
Stereum hirsutumWaved Black
Tapinella panuoidesWaved Black
Trametes versicolorWaved Black
Trichaptum abietinumWaved Black
Xanthoria parietinaBeautiful Hook-tip, Marbled Beauty, Marbled Green
AgrimonyAgrimonia eupatoriaBrown-tail, Grizzled Skipper, Knot Grass
AlderAlnus glutinosaAlder Kitten, Alder Moth, Autumn Green Carpet, Autumnal Moth, Blue-bordered Carpet, Bordered Beauty, Brindled Beauty, Brindled White-spot, Brown-tail, Buff-tip, Canary-shouldered Thorn, Common Lutestring, Common Marbled Carpet, Common Quaker, Common Wave, Common White Wave, Coronet, Coxcomb Prominent, Dark Brocade, December Moth, Dingy Mocha, Dingy Shell, Dotted Border, Early Thorn, Early Tooth-striped, Engrailed, Feathered Thorn, Goat Moth, Green Arches, Green Silver-lines, Grey Birch, Hebrew Character, Iron Prominent, Kentish Glory, Large Emerald, Large Red-belted Clearwing, Large Thorn, Light Emerald, Lime Hawk-moth, Lobster Moth, May Highflyer, Miller, Mottled Pug, Northern Winter Moth, Oak Beauty, Oak Eggar, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale November Moth, Pebble Hook-tip, Purple Thorn, Satin Lutestring, Scarce Umber, Scarce Vapourer, Sharp-angled Peacock, Small Fan-foot, Small Yellow Wave, Waved Carpet, Welsh Wave, White-barred Clearwing, Winter Moth
Alder BuckthornFrangula alnusBrimstone (Acid soils), Brindled Beauty, Dark Umber, Emperor Moth, Green Hairstreak (Woodland), Lappet, Light Knot Grass, Oak Beauty, Purple Thorn, Scarce Vapourer, Sharp-angled Peacock, Tissue, Willow Beauty, Yellow-barred Brindle, Yellow-tail
aldersAlnus spp.Nut-tree Tussock
algaeBuff Footman, Common Footman, Dingy Footman, Four-dotted Footman, Four-spotted Footman, Hoary Footman, Orange Footman, Pigmy Footman, Red-necked Footman, Rosy Footman, Round-winged Muslin, Scarce Footman
AlmondPrunus dulcisFigure of Eight, Red-belted Clearwing, Red-tipped Clearwing, Small Eggar
Almond WillowSalix triandraCream-bordered Green Pea
Alpine Lady's-mantleAlchemilla alpinaDark Marbled Carpet
Alpine Lady-fernAthyrium distentifoliumSilver Y
Alpine SaxifrageMicranthes nivalisTwin-spot Carpet
Annual Meadow-grassPoa annuaBeautiful Gothic, Clouded Brindle, Common Wainscot, Deep-brown Dart, Delicate, Dusky Brocade, Ear Moth, Large Nutmeg, Light Arches, Lunar Underwing, Small Clouded Brindle, Smoky Wainscot, Square-spot Rustic, Straw Underwing, Yellow Shell
Annual Sea-bliteSuaeda maritimaSand Dart
AppleMalus domesticaBlack Arches, Blue-bordered Carpet, Brown-tail, Clouded Silver, Dark Dagger, Dotted Chestnut, Dun-bar, Eyed Hawk-moth, Figure of Eight, Garden Tiger, Goat Moth, Gothic, Green Pug, Grey Dagger, Gypsy Moth, Lackey, Large Thorn, Least Black Arches, Leopard Moth, Lobster Moth, Lunar-spotted Pinion, Mottled Pug, Mottled Umber, Muslin Moth, Northern Winter Moth, November Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Pinion, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Pinion-spotted Pug, Red-belted Clearwing, Red-green Carpet, Satellite, Scalloped Hazel, Short-cloaked Moth, Small Eggar, Sprawler, Winter Moth, Yellow-tail
applesMalus spp.Brimstone Moth, Common Footman, Green-brindled Crescent, Lappet, March Moth
ApricotPrunus armeniacaFigure of Eight
AshFraxinus excelsiorAngle-barred Pug, Barred Tooth-striped, Barred Umber, Brick, Brown-spot Pinion, Centre-barred Sallow, Copper Underwing, Coronet, Death's-head Hawk-moth, December Moth, Double-striped Pug, Dusky Thorn, Engrailed, Goat Moth, Leopard Moth, Light Emerald, Lilac Beauty, Little Thorn, Lunar Thorn, Mottled Beauty, Mottled Pug, November Moth, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Pinion, Privet Hawk-moth, Purple Thorn, Red-green Carpet, Scarce Umber, Sprawler, Tawny Pinion, Twin-spotted Quaker
AspenPopulus tremulaAlder Moth, Angle-striped Sallow, Black Arches, Brick, Brindled Beauty, Chevron, Chocolate-tip, Clifden Nonpareil, Clouded Border, Clouded Silver, Common Emerald, Common Quaker, Common Wave, Coxcomb Prominent, Dark Bordered Beauty, December Moth, Dotted Border, Dun-bar, Engrailed, Eyed Hawk-moth, Figure of Eighty, Green Silver-lines, Grey Pug, Herald, Hornet Moth, Large Tortoiseshell, Lead-coloured Drab, Light Orange Underwing, Miller, Minor Shoulder-knot, Mottled Umber, Muslin Moth, November Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Oak Beauty, Olive, Pale Prominent, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Pebble Hook-tip, Pebble Prominent, Poplar Grey, Poplar Hawk-moth, Poplar Kitten, Poplar Lutestring, Puss Moth, Red Underwing, Sallow Kitten, Satellite, Scallop Shell, Scarce Chocolate-tip, Scarce Umber, Seraphim, Small Chocolate-tip, Small Quaker, Swallow Prominent, Twin-spotted Quaker
Atlas CedarCedrus atlanticaPine Hawk-moth
AubretiaAubrieta deltoideaYellow Shell
AuriculaPrimula auriculaGothic
Autumn HawkbitScorzoneroides autumnalisBelted Beauty
BalmMelissa officinalisBuff Ermine
balsam-poplarsPopulus spp.Hornet Moth
BaneberryActaea spicataFern
barberriesBerberis spp.Common Emerald, Scarce Tissue
BarberryBerberis vulgarisBarberry Carpet, Buff Ermine, Dot Moth, Grey Pug, Mottled Beauty, Mottled Pug, Mouse Moth, Pale Tussock, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Scalloped Hazel, Scarce Tissue
BarleyHordeum spp.Rosy Rustic
Barren StrawberryPotentilla sterilisGrizzled Skipper, Least Yellow Underwing
BasilOcimum basilicumCabbage Moth
Bay WillowSalix pentandraMiller, White Satin Moth
Beaked Hawk's-beardCrepis vesicariaYellow Belle
BearberryArctostaphylos uva-ursiBroad-bordered White Underwing, Glaucous Shears, Golden-rod Brindle, Light Knot Grass, Netted Mountain Moth, Satyr Pug, Saxon, Small Dark Yellow Underwing
beard lichensUsnea spp.Dotted Carpet
bedstrawsGalium spp.Archer's Dart, Autumnal Rustic, Bedstraw Hawk-moth, Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth, Cream Wave, Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet, Elephant Hawk-moth, Large Twin-spot Carpet, Red Chestnut, Riband Wave, Satyr Pug, Silver Y, Small Scallop, Striped Hawk-moth, Water Ermine, Yellow Shell
BeechFagus sylvaticaAlder Moth, August Thorn, Barred Hook-tip, Barred Sallow, Black Arches, Brindled Beauty, Buff-tip, Clay Triple-lines, Clouded Magpie, Common Quaker, Coxcomb Prominent, Dotted Border, Engrailed, Fan-foot, Festoon, Green Silver-lines, Large Emerald, Least Black Arches, Leopard Moth, Light Emerald, Lobster Moth, Marbled Pug, Mottled Umber, Northern Winter Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Olive Crescent, Orange Moth, Orange Underwing, Pale Tussock, Peppered Moth, Sallow Kitten, Satellite, Satin Beauty, Scalloped Oak, Scarce Silver-lines, Scarce Umber, Scarce Vapourer, Scorched Wing, September Thorn, Sprawler, Square Spot, Swallow-tailed Moth, Triangle, Winter Moth, Yellow-legged Clearwing, Yellow-line Quaker, Yellow-tail
BeetBeta vulgarisFlame Shoulder, Nutmeg
Bell HeatherErica cinereaAshworth's Rustic, Autumnal Rustic, Beautiful Yellow Underwing, Bordered Grey, Clouded Buff, Common Heath, Emperor Moth, Fox Moth, Grass Wave, Grey Mountain Carpet, Grey Scalloped Bar, Heath Rustic, Neglected Rustic, Pale Eggar, Rannoch Brindled Beauty, Ringed Carpet, Scotch Annulet, Shoulder-striped Clover, Small Autumnal Moth, Southern Chestnut, True Lover's Knot, Wood Tiger
bellflowersCampanula spp.Campanula Pug
bentsAgrostis spp.Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown (Young larvae), Small Heath, Wall
BetonyBetonica officinalisGrey Pug
BilberryVaccinium myrtillusAshworth's Rustic, Barred Chestnut, Beaded Chestnut, Beautiful Golden Y, Beautiful Snout, Bilberry Pug, Broad-bordered White Underwing, Broom Moth, Chevron, Common Marbled Carpet, Common Pug, Cousin German, Dark Marbled Carpet, Dotted Border, Dotted Clay, Early Moth, Emperor Moth, Feathered Thorn, Flounced Chestnut, Fox Moth, Glaucous Shears, Gold Spangle, Golden-rod Brindle, Great Brocade, Green Arches, Green Hairstreak (Boggy habitat), Grey Mountain Carpet, Hebrew Character, Ingrailed Clay, July Highflyer, Knot Grass, Light Knot Grass, Little Emerald, Little Thorn, Manchester Treble-bar, March Moth, Mottled Beauty, Mottled Umber, Northern Deep-brown Dart, Northern Spinach, Oak Eggar, Pale Eggar, Powdered Quaker, Purple Clay, Rannoch Brindled Beauty, Rannoch Looper, Red Chestnut, Ringed Carpet, Rosy Marsh Moth, Saxon, Scallop Shell, Scalloped Hazel, Scalloped Oak, Scarce Silver Y, Scotch Burnet, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Silurian, Silvery Arches, Small Autumnal Moth, Smoky Wave, Speckled Footman, Square-spot Rustic, Twin-spot Carpet, Vapourer, Winter Moth, Wormwood Pug
bindweedsConvolvulus spp.Bright-line Brown-eye
birchesBetula spp.Alder Kitten, Alder Moth, Argent & Sable, August Thorn, Autumn Green Carpet, Autumnal Rustic, Barred Chestnut, Beautiful Brocade, Black Arches, Blossom Underwing, Blue-bordered Carpet, Brimstone Moth, Broom Moth, Buff Ermine, Buff-tip, Cabbage Moth, Chevron, Chinese Character, Clouded Drab, Clouded Silver, Common Emerald, Common Lutestring, Common Marbled Carpet, Common Quaker, Common Wave, Cousin German, Coxcomb Prominent, Dark Brocade, Dark Chestnut, Dark Dagger, Dark Marbled Carpet, Dark Tussock, December Moth, Dotted Border, Dotted Clay, Double Dart, Double Square-spot, Dun-bar, Early Tooth-striped, Emperor Moth, Feathered Thorn, Flounced Chestnut, Fox Moth, Goat Moth, Golden-rod Brindle, Great Brocade, Great Oak Beauty, Green Arches, Green-brindled Crescent, Grey Arches, Grey Dagger, Gypsy Moth, Hebrew Character, Ingrailed Clay, Knot Grass, Large Thorn, Leopard Moth, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Light Knot Grass, Lobster Moth, Lunar Thorn, March Moth, Mottled Beauty, Mottled Pug, Mottled Umber, Muslin Moth, Northern Drab, November Moth, Oak Beauty, Oak Eggar, Old Lady, Orange Moth, Pale Eggar, Pale November Moth, Pale Pinion, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Peacock Moth, Peppered Moth, Purple Clay, Purple Thorn, Rannoch Sprawler, Red-green Carpet, Reed Dagger, Ringed Carpet, Satellite, Satin Beauty, Satin Lutestring, Scalloped Hazel, Scarce Umber, Scarce Vapourer, Scarlet Tiger, September Thorn, Silvery Arches, Small Angle Shades, Small Brindled Beauty, Small Eggar, Small Fan-foot, Small Grass Emerald, Small White Wave, Sprawler, Square Spot, Suspected, Svensson's Copper Underwing, Sycamore, Triple-spotted Clay, Twin-spotted Quaker, Vapourer, Waved Carpet, Welsh Wave, White Prominent, White-barred Clearwing, Willow Beauty, Winter Moth, Yellow-legged Clearwing, Yellow-line Quaker, Yellow-tail
Bird CherryPrunus padusClouded Silver, Dotted Clay, Gypsy Moth, Mottled Umber, Small Fan-foot
bistortsBistorta spp.Brown Rustic
Biting StonecropSedum acreFeathered Ranunculus, Northern Rustic
Bitter-vetchLathyrus linifoliusNarrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet, Wood White
BittersweetSolanum dulcamaraDeath's-head Hawk-moth
Black CurrantRibes nigrumCommon Marbled Carpet, Currant Clearwing, Currant Pug, Dot Moth, Leopard Moth, Magpie, Phoenix, Spinach, Swallow-tailed Moth, Sword-grass, V-Moth, Vapourer
Black HorehoundBallota nigraCommon Swift, Cream-spot Tiger, Ghost Moth, Wormwood Pug
Black MedickMedicago lupulinaBurnet Companion, Chalk Carpet, Common Blue, Silver-studded Blue (Great Orme), Straw Belle
Black-bindweedFallopia convolvulusBright-line Brown-eye
Black-poplarPopulus nigraBordered Beauty, Double Kidney, Hornet Moth, Lead-coloured Drab, Lunar Hornet Moth, Pale-lemon Sallow, Powdered Quaker, Red Underwing, Seraphim, White Satin Moth
black-poplarsPopulus nigraCommon Quaker, Figure of Eighty
BlackthornPrunus spinosaAlder Moth, Angle Shades, Angle-barred Pug, August Thorn, Barred Chestnut, Black Hairstreak, Blossom Underwing, Blue-bordered Carpet, Brick, Brimstone Moth, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Broken-barred Carpet, Brown Hairstreak, Brown-tail, Buff Ermine, Buff-tip, Chestnut, Chinese Character, Clouded Silver, Common Emerald, Common Quaker, Copper Underwing, Dark Chestnut, Dark Dagger, December Moth, Deep-brown Dart, Dotted Border, Dotted Clay, Double Dart, Double Square-spot, Dun-bar, Early Moth, Early Thorn, Emperor Moth, Eyed Hawk-moth, Feathered Thorn, Figure of Eight, Fox Moth, Garden Tiger, Gothic, Grass Eggar, Grass Wave, Great Brocade, Green Pug, Green Silver-lines, Green-brindled Crescent, Grey Arches, Grey Dagger, Grey Pug, Ingrailed Clay, Lackey, Lappet, Large Thorn, Least Black Arches, Leopard Moth, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Light Emerald, Little Emerald, Lobster Moth, Lunar Thorn, Lunar-spotted Pinion, Magpie, March Moth, Mottled Beauty, Mottled Pug, Mottled Umber, November Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Oak Eggar, Old Lady, Orange Moth, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Eggar, Pale November Moth, Pale Tussock, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Peppered Moth, Powdered Quaker, Purple Clay, Red-green Carpet, Satellite, Scalloped Hazel, Scalloped Oak, Scarce Umber, Scarce Vapourer, Scarlet Tiger, Sharp-angled Peacock, Short-cloaked Moth, Sloe Carpet, Sloe Pug, Small Eggar, Small Quaker, Sprawler, Streamer, Svensson's Copper Underwing, Swallow-tailed Moth, Triple-spotted Clay, Twin-spotted Quaker, Vapourer, Waved Carpet, White-pinion Spotted, Winter Moth, Yellow-tail
Bladder CampionSilene vulgarisBrown-spot Pinion, Campion, Common Pug, Dark Brocade, Grey, Lychnis, Marbled Clover, Marbled Coronet, Netted Pug, Sandy Carpet, Tawny Shears, Varied Coronet
Bladder-sennaColutea arborescensLong-tailed Blue
Bloody Crane's-billGeranium sanguineumFox Moth
Blue Moor-grassSesleria caeruleaBurren Green, Least Minor, Scotch Argus
BluebellHyacinthoides non-scriptaAutumnal Rustic, Six-striped Rustic
Bog AsphodelNarthecium ossifragumRed Chestnut, Shoulder-striped Clover
Bog BilberryVaccinium uliginosumScarce Silver Y
Bog-myrtleMyrica galeArgent & Sable, Beautiful Brocade, Broom Moth, Clouded Buff, Common Heath, Dark Brocade, Dotted Border, Dotted Clay, Early Thorn, Emperor Moth, Feathered Thorn, Fox Moth, Glaucous Shears, Great Brocade, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Light Knot Grass, Neglected Rustic, Powdered Quaker, Rannoch Brindled Beauty, Red Sword-grass, Reed Dagger, Ringed Carpet, Rosy Marsh Moth, Satyr Pug, Scalloped Oak, Scarce Umber, Sharp-angled Peacock, Silvery Arches, Sweet Gale Moth, Sword-grass, Twin-spot Carpet, Vapourer, Winter Moth, Yellow-tail
Bog-rosemaryAndromeda polifoliaRosy Marsh Moth
BogbeanMenyanthes trifoliataElephant Hawk-moth, Light Knot Grass
BorageBorago officinalisJersey Tiger, Scarlet Tiger
boragesBorago spp.Angle Shades
Borrer's Saltmarsh-grassPuccinellia fasciculataSandhill Rustic
BrackenPteridium aquilinumAngle Shades, Beautiful Brocade, Broom Moth, Brown Silver-line, Dot Moth, Garden Tiger, Gold Swift, Grey Dagger, Map-winged Swift, Orange Swift, Purple Clay, Small Angle Shades, Vapourer
bracket fungiWaved Black
BrambleRubus fruticosusBarred Chestnut, Beautiful Carpet, Blossom Underwing, Brimstone Moth, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Broom Moth, Brown Rustic, Brown-spot Pinion, Brown-tail, Buff Arches, Chinese Character, Common Footman, Common Marbled Carpet, Common Pug, Copper Underwing, Dark Tussock, Dotted Clay, Double Square-spot, Early Thorn, Emperor Moth, Fan-foot, Feathered Brindle, Feathered Ranunculus, Four-dotted Footman, Fox Moth, Grass Eggar, Great Brocade, Green Arches, Grey Arches, Ingrailed Clay, Jersey Tiger, Kent Black Arches, Knot Grass, Lackey, Least Yellow Underwing, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Light Brocade, Light Knot Grass, Little Emerald, Little Thorn, Magpie, Mottled Beauty, Muslin Moth, Oak Eggar, Pale Eggar, Pale Pinion, Peach Blossom, Peppered Moth, Powdered Quaker, Purple Clay, Rosy Marbled, Ruby Tiger, Saxon, Scarce Vapourer, Scarlet Tiger, Six-striped Rustic, Small Fan-foot, Small Grass Emerald, Square-spotted Clay, Swallow-tailed Moth, Triple-spotted Clay, V-Pug, Willow Beauty, Yellow-tail
bramblesRubus spp.Green Hairstreak (Woodland), Grizzled Skipper, Holly Blue (Summer brood)
Branched Bur-reedSparganium erectumGold Spot, Webb's Wainscot
bridewortsSpiraea spp.Privet Hawk-moth, Scalloped Oak
Bristle BentAgrostis curtisiiBlack Rustic, Grayling (Heathland), Speckled Footman
Bristly OxtongueHelminthotheca echioidesSmall Ranunculus
Broad-leaved DockRumex obtusifoliusBroad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Deep-brown Dart, Dot Moth, Double Dart, Flame Brocade, Knot Grass, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Orange Swift, Pale Shining Brown, Rosy Rustic, Small Copper
Broad-leaved Everlasting-peaLathyrus latifoliusLong-tailed Blue
Broad-leaved WillowherbEpilobium montanumSmall Phoenix
BroomCytisus scopariusAutumnal Rustic, Beautiful Brocade, Belted Beauty, Bordered Grey, Broom Moth, Broom-tip, Common Heath, Dark Tussock, Deep-brown Dart, Dot Moth, Double-striped Pug, Engrailed, Grass Eggar, Grass Emerald, Grass Wave, Green Hairstreak (Heathland), Hebrew Character, Jersey Emerald, Lead Belle, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Light Brocade, Light Emerald, Little Emerald, Long-tailed Blue, Mottled Beauty, Oak Eggar, Orange Moth, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Peppered Moth, Ruby Tiger, Scalloped Hazel, Silver Y, Spanish Carpet, Streak, Willow Beauty
Brown BentAgrostis vinealisLunar Yellow Underwing
Buck's-horn PlantainPlantago coronopusGlanville Fritillary, Yellow Belle
BuckthornRhamnus catharticaBrimstone (Calcareous soils), Brown Scallop, Dark Dagger, Dark Umber, Engrailed, Hebrew Character, Irish Annulet, Lappet, Least Black Arches, Pale Brindled Beauty, Tissue, Yellow-barred Brindle
buckthornsFrangula alnus and Rhamnus catharticaHolly Blue (Summer brood)
BuckwheatFagopyrum esculentumStriped Hawk-moth
Bulbous Meadow-grassPoa bulbosaCrescent Striped, Sandhill Rustic
BullacePrunus domesticaLunar-spotted Pinion
BulrushTypha latifoliaBulrush Wainscot, Rush Wainscot, Webb's Wainscot
bulrushesTypha spp.Crescent
Bur ChervilAnthriscus caucalisChimney Sweeper
burdocksArctium spp.Beautiful Golden Y, Frosted Orange, Garden Tiger, Ghost Moth, Painted Lady, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Wood Tiger
Burnet RoseRosa spinosissimaBarred Yellow, Belted Beauty, Flounced Chestnut, Fox Moth, Knot Grass, Northern Drab, Shoulder Stripe
Burnet-saxifragePimpinella saxifragaGrey Pug, Pimpinel Pug, Single-dotted Wave, Triple-spotted Pug
burnet-saxifragesPimpinella spp.Lime-speck Pug
Bush VetchVicia sepiumCream Wave
ButterburPetasites hybridusButterbur
buttercupsRanunculus spp.Beaded Chestnut, Double Square-spot
Butterfly-bushBuddleja davidiiDot Moth, Double-striped Pug, Frosted Orange, Gothic, Mullein, Privet Hawk-moth
CabbageBrassica oleraceaCabbage Moth, Elephant Hawk-moth, Garden Carpet, Large Yellow Underwing, Pearly Underwing, Plain Golden Y, Silver Y
Cabbage familyBrassicaceaeLarge White, Small White
CactusCommon Pug
Californian PoppyEschscholzia californicaMouse Moth
Canadian GoldenrodSolidago canadensisLime-speck Pug, Swallow-tailed Moth
Carline ThistleCarlina vulgarisPurple Marbled
Carnation SedgeCarex paniceaDouble Line
cat's-earsHypochaeris spp.Belted Beauty
Cedar-of-LebanonCedrus libaniPine Hawk-moth
cedarsCedrus spp.Barred Red
CeleryApium graveolensAngle Shades
CerealsCommon Rustic, Dusky Sallow, Flounced Rustic, Large Nutmeg, Pale Mottled Willow, Rosy Minor, Rustic Shoulder-knot
ChamomileChamaemelum nobileChamomile Shark
CharlockSinapis arvensisGreen-veined White, Orange-tip
cherriesPrunus spp.Black Hairstreak, Blue-bordered Carpet, Brimstone Moth, Brown Hairstreak, Brown-tail, Buff-tip, Cream-spot Tiger, Dark Chestnut, Figure of Eight, Green Pug, Lackey, Lappet, Large Ranunculus, Large Thorn, Leopard Moth, Lime Hawk-moth, March Moth, Northern Winter Moth, November Moth, Oak Eggar, Red-belted Clearwing, Red-green Carpet, Scalloped Oak, Scarlet Tiger, Short-cloaked Moth, Small Blood-vein, Sprawler, Twin-spotted Quaker, Yellow-legged Clearwing
Cherry LaurelPrunus laurocerasusFigure of Eight
ChicoryCichorium intybusFeathered Brindle, Marbled Clover
Chilean MyrtleLuma apiculataBlair's Mocha
Chilli PepperCapsicum annuumDeath's-head Hawk-moth
China AsterCallistephus chinensisStar-wort
Chinese ThujaPlatycladus orientalisFreyer's Pug
chrysanthemumsChrysanthemum spp.Angle Shades, Sword-grass
cinquefoilsPotentilla spp.Common Emerald, Deep-brown Dart
CleaversGalium aparineBarred Straw, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Common Carpet, Gothic, Hummingbird Hawk-moth, Mottled Grey, Red Twin-spot Carpet, Silver-ground Carpet, Small Elephant Hawk-moth, Square-spot Rustic, Square-spotted Clay, Water Carpet
cloversTrifolium spp.Beaded Chestnut, Belted Beauty, Black Rustic, Burnet Companion, Chalk Carpet, Clouded Yellow, Common Emerald, Common Heath, Garden Dart, Grass Eggar, Heart & Club, Hebrew Character, Hoary Footman, Latticed Heath, Marbled Clover, Northern Deep-brown Dart, Pearly Underwing, Plain Golden Y, Shaded Broad-bar, Silver Y, Six-spot Burnet
Clustered BellflowerCampanula glomerataLime-speck Pug
Cock's-footDactylis glomerataBrown-line Bright-eye, Clay, Clouded Brindle, Clouded-bordered Brindle, Common Rustic, Common Wainscot, Cream-spot Tiger, Dark Arches, Delicate, Double Line, Drinker, Dusky Sallow, Essex Skipper, Large Nutmeg, Large Skipper, Lesser Common Rustic, Lunar Yellow Underwing, Marbled Minor, Marbled White, Meadow Brown, Mother Shipton, Ringlet, Rosy Minor, Rufous Minor, Rustic Shoulder-knot, Scotch Argus, Shoulder-striped Wainscot, Small Skipper, Smoky Wainscot, Speckled Wood, Tawny Marbled Minor, Wall, White-point
Colt's-footTussilago farfaraBelted Beauty, Cinnabar, Glaucous Shears
comfreysSymphytum spp.Scarlet Tiger, Single-dotted Wave
Common BentAgrostis capillarisDouble Line, Scotch Argus
Common Bird's-foot-trefoilLotus corniculatusAnnulet, Belted Beauty, Black-veined Moth, Bordered Grey, Burnet Companion, Chalk Carpet, Clouded Yellow, Common Blue, Cryptic Wood White, Dingy Skipper, Five-spot Burnet, Grass Eggar, Green Hairstreak (Calcareous soils), Hoary Footman, Mouse Moth, Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet, New Forest Burnet, Northern Deep-brown Dart, Oak Eggar, Portland Moth, Powdered Quaker, Ringed Carpet, Silver-studded Blue (Great Orme, Portland), Six-belted Clearwing, Six-spot Burnet, Slender Scotch Burnet, Straw Belle, Wood White, Yellow Belle
Common ChickweedStellaria mediaBlood-vein, Clay, Cloaked Carpet, Dotted Clay, Feathered Brindle, Flame Shoulder, Heart & Dart, Lunar Yellow Underwing, Portland Moth, Red Chestnut, Riband Wave, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Shears, Small Square-spot, Square-spot Rustic, White Colon, White-line Dart
Common Club-rushSchoenoplectus lacustrisRush Wainscot, Webb's Wainscot
Common ComfreySymphytum officinaleBurnished Brass, Gothic
Common CottongrassEriophorum angustifoliumHaworth's Minor, Large Ear, Large Heath
Common CouchElymus repensBeautiful Gothic, Brown-line Bright-eye, Common Wainscot, Dark Arches, Dusky Brocade, Dusky Sallow, Essex Skipper, Flounced Rustic, Large Nutmeg, Marbled Minor, Ringlet, Rustic Shoulder-knot, Scotch Argus, Speckled Wood, White-point
Common Cow-wheatMelampyrum pratenseHeath Fritillary, Lead-coloured Pug
Common Dog-violetViola rivinianaClouded Buff, Dark Green Fritillary, High Brown Fritillary, Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Silver-washed Fritillary, Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Common Evening-primroseOenothera biennisElephant Hawk-moth, Scarlet Tiger
Common FigwortScrophularia nodosaMullein, Water Betony
Common FleabanePulicaria dysentericaBordered Straw, Brown-tail, Frosted Orange, Grey Pug, Lime-speck Pug, Powdered Quaker, Ruby Tiger, Small Marbled, Wormwood Pug
Common Hemp-nettleGaleopsis tetrahitBurnished Brass, Small Rivulet
Common IvyHedera helixBuff Ermine, Double-striped Pug, Fan-foot, Large Ranunculus, Least Carpet, Magpie, Oak Eggar, Old Lady, Riband Wave, Small Angle Shades, Swallow-tailed Moth, Treble Brown Spot, Willow Beauty, Yellow-barred Brindle
Common JuniperJuniperus communisBlair's Shoulder-knot, Chestnut-coloured Carpet, Dwarf Pug, Freyer's Pug, Juniper Pug, Mottled Beauty, Ochreous Pug, Scalloped Hazel
Common KnapweedCentaurea nigraBlack-veined Moth, Frosted Orange, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Scarce Forester
Common MallowMalva sylvestrisLeast Yellow Underwing, Mallow
Common Marsh-bedstrawGalium palustreDevon Carpet, Oblique Carpet
Common Meadow-rueThalictrum flavumMarsh Carpet
Common MilkwortPolygala vulgarisSmall Purple-barred
Common Mouse-earCerastium fontanumSmall Yellow Underwing
Common NettleUrtica dioicaBeautiful Golden Y, Bright-line Brown-eye, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Brown-tail, Buff Ermine, Burnished Brass, Comma, Cream-spot Tiger, Dark Spectacle, Dot Moth, Dotted Clay, Flame, Frosted Orange, Garden Tiger, Gold Spangle, Grey Chi, Hebrew Character, Jersey Tiger, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Mottled Rustic, Muslin Moth, Painted Lady, Peacock, Plain Clay, Plain Golden Y, Red Admiral, Scarce Silver Y, Scarlet Tiger, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Silver Y, Small Tortoiseshell, Snout, Spectacle, Square-spotted Clay, Twin-spot Carpet, White Ermine, Wood Tiger
Common OracheAtriplex patulaBlood-vein, Sand Dart
Common PincushionDicranoweisia cirrataRound-winged Muslin
Common RagwortJacobaea vulgarisBeautiful Golden Y, Bordered Pug, Brown-tail, Buff Ermine, Cinnabar, Garden Tiger, Golden-rod Pug, Grey Pug, Lime-speck Pug, Satyr Pug, Sussex Emerald, Sweet Gale Moth, Tawny Speckled Pug, Water Ermine, White Ermine, White-spotted Pug, Wormwood Pug
Common ReedPhragmites australisBrown-veined Wainscot, Drinker, Fen Wainscot, Fenn's Wainscot, Flame Wainscot, Large Wainscot, Mother Shipton, Obscure Wainscot, Reed Dagger, Reed Leopard, Silky Wainscot, Small Clouded Brindle, Smoky Wainscot, Southern Wainscot, Striped Wainscot, Twin-spotted Wainscot, White-mantled Wainscot
Common RestharrowOnonis repensBordered Grey, Bordered Sallow, Bordered Straw, Common Blue, Marbled Clover, Rest Harrow, Silver Y, Sword-grass, White Colon, Yellow Belle
Common Rock-roseHelianthemum nummulariumAnnulet, Black Rustic, Brown Argus (Chalk and limestone grassland), Cistus Forester, Green Hairstreak (Calcareous soils), Northern Brown Argus, Satyr Pug, Silky Wave, Silver-studded Blue (Great Orme, Portland), Square-spot Dart, Wood Tiger
Common Saltmarsh-grassPuccinellia maritimaCrescent Striped, Mathew's Wainscot, Saltern Ear, Sandhill Rustic
Common Sea-lavenderLimonium vulgareDog's Tooth, Ground Lackey, Northern Drab
Common SedgeCarex nigraCrescent
Common SorrelRumex acetosaBlood-vein, Brown-spot Pinion, Feathered Brindle, Fiery Clearwing, Forester, Knot Grass, Plain Clay, Scarce Vapourer, Small Copper, Sweet Gale Moth, Uncertain, Yellow-line Quaker
Common Stork's-billErodium cicutariumBrown Argus (Other habitats)
Common ToadflaxLinaria vulgarisBroom Moth, Dot Moth, Marbled Clover, Mouse Moth, Silver Y, Striped Hawk-moth, Toadflax Brocade, Toadflax Pug
Common ValerianValeriana officinalisLesser Cream Wave, V-Pug, Valerian Pug
Common VetchVicia sativaAutumnal Rustic
Compact RushJuncus conglomeratusRed Sword-grass
conifer seedlingsNutmeg
conifersBroom Moth, Heart & Dart, Large Yellow Underwing
Corn ChamomileAnthemis arvensisChamomile Shark
Corn MintMentha arvensisDeep-brown Dart
Corn SpurreySpergula arvensisBordered Straw, White-line Dart
Corsican PinePinus nigraBarred Red, Bordered White, Pine Beauty, Pine Carpet, Tawny-barred Angle
cotoneastersCotoneaster spp.Brimstone Moth, Dark Dagger, Figure of Eight, Green-brindled Crescent, Gypsy Moth, Purple Thorn, Scalloped Oak, Vapourer
cottongrassesEriophorum spp.Rosy Marsh Moth, Small Wainscot
couchesElymus spp.Drinker, Lunar Yellow Underwing
Cow ParsleyAnthriscus sylvestrisChimney Sweeper, Double Square-spot, Golden-rod Pug, Single-dotted Wave, Square-spotted Clay, Twin-spot Carpet
CowberryVaccinium vitis-idaeaBroad-bordered White Underwing, Golden-rod Brindle, Manchester Treble-bar, Neglected Rustic, Northern Spinach, Saxon, Scarce Silver Y, Scotch Burnet
CowslipPrimula verisDuke of Burgundy, Lunar Yellow Underwing, Plain Clay, Silver-ground Carpet, Yellow Shell
Crab AppleMalus sylvestrisAlder Moth, Chinese Character, Clouded Silver, Copper Underwing, Dotted Border, Eyed Hawk-moth, Feathered Thorn, Green Pug, Lobster Moth, Magpie, November Moth, Pale Eggar, Pale Oak Beauty, Pale Tussock, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Pinion-spotted Pug, Red-belted Clearwing, Scalloped Oak, Small Quaker
CranberryVaccinium oxycoccosManchester Treble-bar
Creeping ButtercupRanunculus repensSquare-spotted Clay
Creeping CinquefoilPotentilla reptansAnnulet, Fox Moth, Grizzled Skipper, Lunar Yellow Underwing, Rosy Marbled, Straw Belle, Sword-grass
Creeping Soft-grassHolcus mollisDouble Line, Essex Skipper, Small Skipper
Creeping ThistleCirsium arvenseBroom Moth, Fox Moth, Powdered Quaker, Ruby Tiger
Creeping WillowSalix repensAutumnal Rustic, Belted Beauty, Black Rustic, Chevron, Cream-bordered Green Pea, Dark Bordered Beauty, Dark Tussock, Dingy Mocha, Glaucous Shears, Grass Eggar, Grass Wave, Light Knot Grass, Portland Moth, Red-tipped Clearwing, Reed Dagger, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Small Chocolate-tip, Small Grass Emerald, Small Square-spot, Square-spot Rustic, Sweet Gale Moth, White Satin Moth
Cross-leaved HeathErica tetralixBordered Grey, Common Heath, Dark Tussock, Emperor Moth, Fox Moth, Green Hairstreak (Heathland), Grey Mountain Carpet, Grey Scalloped Bar, Horse Chestnut, Light Knot Grass, Neglected Rustic, Rannoch Brindled Beauty, Ringed Carpet, Satyr Pug, Scotch Annulet, Shoulder-striped Clover, Small Grass Emerald, Smoky Wave, Southern Chestnut
CrosswortCruciata laevipesBarred Straw
CrowberryEmpetrum nigrumBlack Mountain Moth, Broad-bordered White Underwing, Grey Mountain Carpet, Northern Dart, Rosy Marsh Moth, Scotch Burnet, Square-spot Rustic, Weaver's Wave
CuckooflowerCardamine pratensisGreen-veined White, Orange-tip
Curled DockRumex crispusFiery Clearwing, Flame Brocade, Ground Lackey
currantsRibes spp.Comma, Common Emerald, Large Ranunculus, March Moth, Mottled Pug, Peppered Moth, Small Angle Shades
cypressesCupressus spp.Freyer's Pug, Juniper Pug, Mottled Beauty
DahliaDahlia x hortensisCabbage Moth, Dot Moth, Golden-rod Pug
Dame's-violetHesperis matronalisOrange-tip
dandelionsTaraxacum spp.Barred Chestnut, Beaded Chestnut, Belted Beauty, Black Rustic, Black-banded, Brown Rustic, Chestnut, Clay, Clouded Buff, Cream-spot Tiger, Dark Chestnut, Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet, Dog's Tooth, Dotted Clay, Double Square-spot, Feathered Ranunculus, Flame, Flame Shoulder, Garden Tiger, Ghost Moth, Grey Arches, Grey Chi, Hebrew Character, Jersey Tiger, Mottled Rustic, Muslin Moth, Nutmeg, Orange Swift, Pearly Underwing, Plain Golden Y, Riband Wave, Ruby Tiger, Rustic, Sallow, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Shears, Shuttle-shaped Dart, Silver Y, Small Square-spot, Sweet Gale Moth, Treble Lines, Triple-spotted Clay, Uncertain, White Colon, Wood Tiger, Yellow Shell
Dark MulleinVerbascum nigrumMullein, Shaded Pug, Striped Lychnis
dead-nettlesLamium spp.Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Garden Tiger, Ghost Moth, Plain Clay, Uncertain
Deadly NightshadeAtropa belladonnaDeath's-head Hawk-moth
DeergrassTrichophorum germanicumAntler Moth
Devil's-bit ScabiousSuccisa pratensisClouded Buff, Marsh Fritillary, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth, Red Sword-grass, Scarce Bordered Straw, Striped Hawk-moth, Wormwood Pug
DewberryRubus caesiusBeautiful Carpet, Buff Arches, Kent Black Arches
docksRumex spp.Angle Shades, Autumnal Rustic, Barred Chestnut, Beaded Chestnut, Beautiful Brocade, Belted Beauty, Bird's Wing, Black Rustic, Blood-vein, Broom Moth, Brown Rustic, Brown-spot Pinion, Brown-tail, Cabbage Moth, Chestnut, Clouded Buff, Clouded Drab, Common Marbled Carpet, Common Swift, Cream-spot Tiger, Dark Chestnut, Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet, Dog's Tooth, Dotted Clay, Double Square-spot, Feathered Ranunculus, Flame, Flame Shoulder, Garden Dart, Garden Tiger, Ghost Moth, Great Brocade, Green Arches, Grey Arches, Grey Chi, Heart & Club, Heart & Dart, Hebrew Character, Ingrailed Clay, Large Ranunculus, Large Yellow Underwing, Least Yellow Underwing, Light Brocade, Mottled Beauty, Mottled Rustic, Muslin Moth, Nutmeg, Old Lady, Pale-lemon Sallow, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Pearly Underwing, Pink-barred Sallow, Plain Clay, Purple Clay, Red Chestnut, Red Sword-grass, Riband Wave, Ruby Tiger, Rustic, Sallow, Scarlet Tiger, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Shuttle-shaped Dart, Silver Y, Silvery Arches, Small Square-spot, Square-spot Rustic, Striped Hawk-moth, Sword-grass, Triple-spotted Clay, Twin-spot Carpet, Uncertain, White Colon, White Ermine, Wood Tiger, Yellow Shell
Dog's MercuryMercurialis perennisGreen Arches, Square-spotted Clay, Wood Tiger
Dog-roseRosa caninaAlder Moth, Barred Yellow, Broom Moth, Brown-tail, Common Emerald, Dotted Border, Feathered Thorn, Green-brindled Crescent, Grizzled Skipper, Lackey, Little Thorn, Lobster Moth, Lunar Thorn, Mottled Umber, November Moth, Red-green Carpet, Scarce Umber, Shoulder Stripe, Small Eggar, Streamer, V-Pug
DogwoodCornus sanguineaAlder Moth, Common Footman, Cream-spot Tiger, Dark Chestnut, Green Hairstreak (Calcareous soils), Holly Blue (Spring brood), Little Emerald, Little Thorn, Mottled Pug, Oak Eggar, Pale Brindled Beauty, Privet Hawk-moth, Triple-spotted Clay, Yellow-barred Brindle
dogwoodsCornus spp.Death's-head Hawk-moth
Douglas FirPseudotsuga menziesiiBarred Red, Bordered White, Dwarf Pug, Freyer's Pug, Grey Pine Carpet, Satin Beauty, Scalloped Hazel, Spruce Carpet, Tawny-barred Angle, Turnip Moth
Dove's-foot Crane's-billGeranium molleBrown Argus (Other habitats)
Downy BirchBetula pubescensAngle-striped Sallow, Argent & Sable, Autumnal Moth, Barred Umber, Birch Mocha, Brindled Beauty, Brindled White-spot, Broken-barred Carpet, Canary-shouldered Thorn, Chestnut, Common White Wave, Copper Underwing, Early Thorn, Engrailed, Green Silver-lines, Grey Birch, Iron Prominent, July Highflyer, Kentish Glory, Large Emerald, Large Red-belted Clearwing, Least Black Arches, Lesser Swallow Prominent, Light Emerald, Lime Hawk-moth, Little Emerald, Miller, Northern Winter Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Orange Underwing, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Oak Beauty, Pebble Hook-tip, Scalloped Hook-tip, Scalloped Oak, Scarce Prominent, Scarce Silver-lines, Scorched Wing, Small Fan-foot, Small Quaker, Welsh Clearwing, Yellow Horned
Downy Oat-grassAvenula pubescensMeadow Brown
Downy WillowSalix lapponumLight Knot Grass
Duke of Argyll's TeaplantLycium barbarumDeath's-head Hawk-moth
Dwarf CherryPrunus cerasusWhite-pinion Spotted
Dwarf Mountain-pinePinus mugoPine Beauty
Dwarf ThistleCirsium acauleTreble Lines
Dyer's GreenweedGenista tinctoriaBeautiful Brocade, Green Hairstreak (Heathland), July Belle, Lead Belle, Light Brocade, Northern Drab, Powdered Quaker
Eared WillowSalix auritaChevron, Common Heath, Cousin German, Dingy Mocha, Garden Tiger, Glaucous Shears, Iron Prominent, Light Knot Grass, Minor Shoulder-knot, Rannoch Brindled Beauty, Ruby Tiger, Ruddy Highflyer, Slender Pug, Small Chocolate-tip, Sweet Gale Moth
Early Hair-grassAira praecoxCoast Dart, Grayling (Calcareous soils)
Eastern Balsam-poplarPopulus balsamiferaOlive
ElderSambucus nigraAngle-barred Pug, Buff Ermine, Dot Moth, Lilac Beauty, Mottled Pug, Swallow-tailed Moth, V-Pug, White-spotted Pug
elephant-earsBergenia spp.Vapourer
elmsUlmus spp.Alder Moth, August Thorn, Black Arches, Blomer's Rivulet, Brimstone Moth, Brindled Beauty, Broom Moth, Buff-tip, Canary-shouldered Thorn, Chestnut, Clouded Drab, Comma, Common Quaker, Dark Chestnut, December Moth, Double Dart, Dun-bar, Emperor Moth, Feathered Thorn, Flounced Chestnut, Green Silver-lines, Grey Dagger, Jersey Tiger, Lackey, Large Thorn, Large Tortoiseshell, Leopard Moth, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Lesser-spotted Pinion, Light Emerald, Lime Hawk-moth, Lunar Thorn, Lunar-spotted Pinion, Magpie, March Moth, Mottled Umber, November Moth, Oak Beauty, Old Lady, Pale November Moth, Pale Tussock, Peppered Moth, Satellite, Scarce Vapourer, Small Eggar, Small Fan-foot, Sprawler, Svensson's Copper Underwing, Twin-spotted Quaker, Vapourer, Yellow-tail
Enchanter's-nightshadeCircaea lutetianaAngle Shades, Elephant Hawk-moth, Small Phoenix
English ElmUlmus proceraBright-line Brown-eye, Clouded Magpie, Dotted Border, Dusky-lemon Sallow, Goat Moth, Lesser-spotted Pinion, Lunar-spotted Pinion, Scarce Umber, Small Brindled Beauty, White-letter Hairstreak, White-spotted Pinion
English StonecropSedum anglicumYellow-ringed Carpet
EscalloniaEscallonia rubraRuby Tiger
European LarchLarix deciduaAutumnal Moth, Barred Red, Brown-tail, Chestnut, Larch Pug, Ochreous Pug
European Silver-firAbies albaBordered White, Cloaked Pug, Grey Pine Carpet, Satin Beauty, Spruce Carpet
Evergreen OakQuercus ilexPurple Hairstreak
Evergreen SpindleEuonymus japonicusMagpie
eyebrightsEuphrasia spp.Barred Rivulet, Heath Rivulet, Pretty Pinion
Fairy FlaxLinum catharticumStraw Belle
False BromeBrachypodium sylvaticumDrinker, Dusky Brocade, Essex Skipper, Large Skipper, Marbled White Spot, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Slender Brindle, Small Skipper, Speckled Wood, Straw Dot, Wall
False Oat-grassArrhenatherum elatiusCloaked Minor, Grass Eggar, Rosy Minor
False OxlipPrimula veris x vulgarisDuke of Burgundy
False-acaciaRobinia pseudoacaciaBuff-tip
Fat-henChenopodium albumBright-line Brown-eye, Flame, Heart & Club
FennelFoeniculum vulgareMouse Moth
fernsBuff Ermine, Small Angle Shades
fescuesFestuca spp.Flounced Rustic, Gatekeeper, Lesser Common Rustic, Meadow Brown (Young larvae), Small Heath
FeverfewTanacetum partheniumChamomile Shark
Field BindweedConvolvulus arvensisConvolvulus Hawk-moth, Dot Moth, Double-striped Pug, Four-spotted, Nutmeg, Small Scallop
Field Cow-wheatMelampyrum arvenseLead-coloured Pug
Field GromwellBuglossoides arvensisDeep-brown Dart
Field MapleAcer campestreBarred Sallow, Coxcomb Prominent, Dotted Border, Dun-bar, Feathered Thorn, Maple Prominent, Maple Pug, March Moth, Mocha, Mottled Pug, Mottled Umber, Nut-tree Tussock, Pale November Moth, Plumed Prominent, Satellite, Small Quaker, Small Yellow Wave, Svensson's Copper Underwing, Sycamore, Twin-spotted Quaker, Winter Moth
Field Mouse-earCerastium arvenseMarsh Pug, Small Yellow Underwing
Field ScabiousKnautia arvensisBroad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth, Lime-speck Pug, Marbled Clover, Marsh Fritillary, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth, Shaded Pug
Field Wood-rushLuzula campestrisBroad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Double Line, Smoky Wainscot
Field WoundwortStachys arvensisRosy Rustic, Small Rivulet
figwortsScrophularia spp.Frosted Orange, Purple Clay
FirethornPyracantha coccineaAngle Shades, Grey Dagger, Swallow-tailed Moth, Vapourer
firsAbies spp.Pine Hawk-moth, Turnip Moth
FlixweedDescurainia sophiaCinnabar, Common Carpet, Garden Carpet, Grey Carpet, Marbled Clover, Nutmeg, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Shaded Pug, Silver Y, White Colon
forget-me-notsMyosotis spp.Double Square-spot, Jersey Tiger, Swallow-tailed Moth
ForsythiaForsythia x intermediaDeath's-head Hawk-moth, Privet Hawk-moth
FoxgloveDigitalis purpureaFeathered Ranunculus, Foxglove Pug, Frosted Orange, Grey Chi, Heath Fritillary (Post-hibernation larvae), Large Ranunculus, Large Yellow Underwing, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Purple Clay, Scarlet Tiger, Small Angle Shades, Small Square-spot
fuchsiasFuchsia spp.Bedstraw Hawk-moth, Elephant Hawk-moth, Striped Hawk-moth
GalingaleCyperus longusRosy Rustic
Garden ArabisArabis caucasicaYellow Shell
Garden LettuceLactuca sativaSetaceous Hebrew Character, Small Ranunculus
Garden LupinLupinus polyphyllusDot Moth
Garden ParsleyPetroselinum crispumBurnished Brass, Mouse Moth
Garden PeaLathyrus oleraceusBurnished Brass, Pale Mottled Willow, Silver Y
Garden PrivetLigustrum ovalifoliumCopper Underwing, Lilac Beauty, Magpie, Orange Moth, Privet Hawk-moth, Small Blood-vein, Swallow-tailed Moth, Waved Umber, Willow Beauty
Garden StrawberryFragaria ananassaRosy Rustic
Garlic MustardAlliaria petiolataGarden Carpet, Green-veined White, Orange-tip
gentiansAlliaria petiolataSatyr Pug
geraniumsPelargonium spp.Angle Shades, Cabbage Moth, Common Marbled Carpet, Common Swift, Gothic, Scarlet Tiger
Germander SpeedwellVeronica chamaedrysHeath Fritillary (Post-hibernation larvae), Hebrew Character
Giant BellflowerCampanula latifoliaCampanula Pug
Giant FirAbies grandisAngle Shades, Dwarf Pug, Spruce Carpet
glasswortsSalicornia spp.Plain Pug
Glaucous SedgeCarex flaccaGold Spot, Least Minor, Rosy Minor, Scotch Argus, Small Wainscot
GlobeflowerTrollius europaeusGolden Plusia
Goat WillowSalix capreaAlder Moth, Canary-shouldered Thorn, Chevron, Common Marbled Carpet, Common Wave, Cream-bordered Green Pea, Dark Dagger, Dark Tussock, Dingy Mocha, Double Kidney, Fan-foot, Grey Chi, Lunar Hornet Moth, Minor Shoulder-knot, Mottled Rustic, Mouse Moth, Northern Spinach, Pale Brindled Beauty, Peacock Moth, Poplar Grey, Poplar Hawk-moth, Purple Emperor, Red-tipped Clearwing, Ringed Carpet, Sallow Clearwing, Sallow Kitten, Scallop Shell, Slender Pug, Small Seraphim, Swallow-tailed Moth, White Satin Moth
GodetiaClarkia amoenaBedstraw Hawk-moth, Elephant Hawk-moth
Golden-samphireLimbarda crithmoidesGround Lackey
GoldenrodSolidago virgaureaBeautiful Brocade, Bleached Pug, Common Pug, Golden-rod Pug, Grey Pug, Lime-speck Pug, Peppered Moth, Ruby Tiger, Star-wort, V-Pug, White-spotted Pug
goldenrodsSolidago spp.Wormwood Pug
GooseberryRibes uva-crispaCurrant Clearwing, Currant Pug, Dark Chestnut, Lackey, Magpie, Phoenix, Spinach, V-Moth, Yellow-tail
goosefootsChenopodium spp.Cabbage Moth, Dark Spinach, Dog's Tooth, Grey Pug, Heart & Dart, Mottled Rustic, Nutmeg, Orache Moth, Plain Pug, White Colon, Wormwood Pug
GorseUlex europaeusBeautiful Brocade, Common Footman, Cream-spot Tiger, Dark Tussock, Double-striped Pug, Grass Eggar, Grass Emerald, Grass Wave, Green Hairstreak (Heathland), Holly Blue (Spring brood), July Belle, Lead Belle, Oak Eggar, Scarce Footman, Silver-studded Blue (Heathland), Small Grass Emerald, Spanish Carpet, Willow Beauty
Grape-vineVitis viniferaCopper Underwing, Elephant Hawk-moth, Striped Hawk-moth
Grass-leaved OracheAtriplex littoralisGround Lackey
grassesAntler Moth, Archer's Dart, Beaded Chestnut, Beautiful Gothic, Brown-line Bright-eye, Brown-tail, Clay, Cloaked Minor, Clouded Brindle, Clouded-bordered Brindle, Common Rustic, Common Swift, Common Wainscot, Confused, Cosmopolitan, Crescent Striped, Dark Arches, Dark Brocade, Delicate, Devonshire Wainscot, Double Line, Dusky Brocade, Dusky Sallow, Ear Moth, Exile/Northern Arches, Feathered Gothic, Flounced Rustic, Ghost Moth, Gold Spot, Ground Lackey, Hedge Rustic, Large Nutmeg, Large Yellow Underwing, Least Yellow Underwing, Lempke's Gold Spot, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Lesser Common Rustic, Light Arches, Lunar Underwing, Marbled Minor, Middle-barred Minor, Northern Deep-brown Dart, Northern Rustic, Orange Swift, Pale Mottled Willow, Reddish Light Arches, Rosy Minor, Rufous Minor, Rustic, Rustic Shoulder-knot, Shoulder-striped Wainscot, Silver Hook, Silvery Arches, Slender Brindle, Small Clouded Brindle, Small Square-spot, Small Wainscot, Smoky Wainscot, Square-spot Rustic, Straw Underwing, Striped Wainscot, Tawny Marbled Minor, Twin-spot Carpet, White-point, Yellow-tail
Great Fen-sedgeCladium mariscusCrescent, Reed Dagger
Great LettuceLactuca virosaSmall Ranunculus
Great MulleinVerbascum thapsusAngle Shades, Cinnabar, Mullein, Muslin Moth
Great Mullein x Dark hybridVerbascum x semialbumStriped Lychnis
Great WillowherbEpilobium hirsutumDark Brocade, Elephant Hawk-moth, Small Phoenix
Great Wood-rushLuzula sylvaticaPurple Clay, Slender Brindle, Small Wainscot
Greater Bird's-foot-trefoilLotus pedunculatusCommon Blue, Cryptic Wood White, Dingy Skipper, Five-spot Burnet, Fox Moth, Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet, Powdered Quaker, Six-spot Burnet, Wood White
Greater Burnet-saxifragePimpinella majorPimpinel Pug
Greater CelandineChelidonium majusMouse Moth
Greater KnapweedCentaurea scabiosaScarce Forester
Greater PlantainPlantago majorDog's Tooth, Lime-speck Pug, Treble Lines
Greater Pond-sedgeCarex ripariaDrinker
Greater StitchwortStellaria holosteaMarsh Pug, Small Yellow Underwing, Twin-spot Carpet
Greater Tussock-sedgeCarex paniculataDrinker, Reed Dagger
Green AlkanetPentaglottis sempervirensJersey Tiger, Scarlet Tiger
Grey AlderAlnus incanaIron Prominent
Grey Club-rushSchoenoplectus tabernaemontaniWebb's Wainscot
Grey PoplarPopulus x canescensHornet Moth, Lackey, White Satin Moth
Grey WillowSalix cinereaArgent & Sable, Buff Ermine, Common Marbled Carpet, Common Wave, Cream-bordered Green Pea, Cream-spot Tiger, Dark Dagger, Dark Tussock, Dingy Mocha, Double Kidney, Garden Tiger, Glaucous Shears, Golden-rod Pug, Iron Prominent, Lunar Hornet Moth, Miller, Minor Shoulder-knot, Neglected Rustic, Northern Spinach, Peacock Moth, Poplar Hawk-moth, Purple Emperor, Red-tipped Clearwing, Reed Dagger, Ruddy Highflyer, Sallow Clearwing, Sallow Kitten, Scallop Shell, Scarce Chocolate-tip, Slender Pug, Small Eggar, White Satin Moth
Ground-ivyGlechoma hederaceaDark-barred Twin-spot Carpet, Gold Spangle, Jersey Tiger, Red Twin-spot Carpet
GroundselSenecio vulgarisAngle Shades, Beaded Chestnut, Beautiful Golden Y, Brown Rustic, Cinnabar, Cream-spot Tiger, Deep-brown Dart, Flame Shoulder, Gold Spangle, Gothic, Grey Chi, Jersey Tiger, Large Ranunculus, Least Carpet, Lime-speck Pug, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Plain Golden Y, Red Chestnut, Scarlet Tiger, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Sword-grass, Vine's Rustic, Wood Tiger
Guelder-roseViburnum opulusCommon Quaker, Mottled Pug, Orange-tailed Clearwing, Privet Hawk-moth, Yellow-barred Brindle
GypsywortLycopus europaeusWormwood Pug
Hairy Bitter-cressCardamine hirsutaGarden Carpet
Hairy Rock-cressArabis hirsutaOrange-tip
Hairy VioletViola hirtaDark Green Fritillary, High Brown Fritillary (Limestone sites)
Hairy Wood-rushLuzula pilosaCommon Rustic, Double Line, Smoky Wainscot
Hare's-foot CloverTrifolium arvenseYellow Belle
Hare's-tail CottongrassEriophorum vaginatumAntler Moth, Large Heath
HarebellCampanula rotundifoliaBlack-banded, Northern Rustic
hawk's-beardsCrepis spp.Bordered Straw, Broad-barred White, Grey Pug, Shaded Pug, Shark
hawkbitsLeontodon spp.Lime-speck Pug, Shaded Pug
hawkweedsHieracium spp.Broad-barred White, Cream-spot Tiger, Lime-speck Pug, Marbled Clover, Mouse Moth, Satyr Pug, Shark
HawthornCrataegus monogynaAugust Thorn, Autumnal Moth, Barred Chestnut, Barred Umber, Beaded Chestnut, Blossom Underwing, Brimstone Moth, Brindled Beauty, Brindled White-spot, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Broken-barred Carpet, Brown-spot Pinion, Brown-tail, Buff Arches, Buff Ermine, Buff-tip, Chestnut, Chinese Character, Clouded Drab, Clouded Silver, Common Marbled Carpet, Common Pug, Common Quaker, Coxcomb Prominent, Dark Chestnut, December Moth, Dotted Border, Dotted Clay, Double Square-spot, Double-striped Pug, Early Moth, Early Thorn, Emperor Moth, Engrailed, Flounced Chestnut, Golden-rod Pug, Gothic, Green Pug, Grey Chi, Grey Pug, Knot Grass, Lackey, Lappet, Leopard Moth, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Light Emerald, Little Emerald, Lobster Moth, Magpie, March Moth, November Moth, Oak Eggar, Oak-tree Pug, Old Lady, Orange Moth, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Eggar, Pale Oak Beauty, Peppered Moth, Pinion-spotted Pug, Purple Thorn, Red-belted Clearwing, Satellite, Scalloped Oak, Short-cloaked Moth, Silvery Arches, Small Blood-vein, Small Brindled Beauty, Small Eggar, Small Grass Emerald, Square-spot Rustic, Streamer, Swallow-tailed Moth, Triple-spotted Clay, V-Pug, White-pinion Spotted, Willow Beauty, Winter Moth, Yellow-barred Brindle, Yellow-line Quaker
hawthornsCrataegus spp.Alder Moth, Angle-barred Pug, Black Arches, Blue-bordered Carpet, Brindled Green, Brindled Pug, Common Emerald, Common Footman, Copper Underwing, Dark Dagger, Dark Tussock, Double Dart, Dun-bar, Engrailed, Feathered Thorn, Figure of Eight, Green-brindled Crescent, Grey Dagger, Hebrew Character, Ingrailed Clay, Large Thorn, Least Yellow Underwing, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Lunar-spotted Pinion, Mottled Beauty, Mottled Pug, Mottled Umber, Mouse Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Pale November Moth, Pale Tussock, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Scalloped Hazel, Scarce Umber, Scarce Vapourer, Small Fan-foot, Sprawler, Vapourer, White Ermine, Yellow-tail
HazelCorylus avellanaAngle Shades, Barred Umber, Beautiful Brocade, Beautiful Carpet, Blossom Underwing, Bordered Beauty, Bordered Sallow, Bright-line Brown-eye, Brimstone Moth, Brindled Beauty, Brindled Green, Brindled Pug, Brindled White-spot, Brown-tail, Buff Arches, Buff-tip, Chevron, Clouded Border, Clouded Drab, Common Emerald, Common Lutestring, Common Quaker, Common White Wave, Copper Underwing, Coronet, Coxcomb Prominent, Dark Tussock, Dot Moth, Dotted Border, Double Square-spot, Dun-bar, Early Thorn, Emperor Moth, Engrailed, Feathered Thorn, Green Silver-lines, Grey Arches, Grey Birch, Grey Dagger, Ingrailed Clay, Iron Prominent, July Highflyer, Lackey, Large Emerald, Large Thorn, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Light Emerald, Lime Hawk-moth, Little Emerald, Lobster Moth, Magpie, March Moth, Mottled Beauty, Mottled Umber, November Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Oak Beauty, Oak Eggar, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Eggar, Pale November Moth, Pale Oak Beauty, Pale Tussock, Purple Thorn, Satellite, Scalloped Hazel, Scarce Umber, Scarce Vapourer, Small Angle Shades, Small Brindled Beauty, Small Fan-foot, Small Quaker, Small White Wave, Sprawler, Triple-spotted Clay, Vapourer, Waved Carpet, Winter Moth, Yellow-tail
Heath BedstrawGalium saxatileBeech-green Carpet, Galium Carpet, Green Carpet, Mottled Grey, Oblique Carpet, Purple Bar, Red Twin-spot Carpet, Silurian, Small Argent & Sable, Small Elephant Hawk-moth, Striped Twin-spot Carpet, Water Carpet
Heath Dog-violetViola caninaHigh Brown Fritillary, Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Heath GroundselSenecio sylvaticusCinnabar
Heath MilkwortPolygala serpyllifoliaSmall Purple-barred
Heath RushJuncus squarrosusAntler Moth
Heath Spotted-orchidDactylorhiza maculataRed Chestnut
HeatherCalluna vulgarisAnnulet, Ashworth's Rustic, Autumnal Moth, Autumnal Rustic, Beautiful Brocade, Beautiful Snout, Beautiful Yellow Underwing, Black Rustic, Bordered Grey, Broom Moth, Chevron, Clouded Buff, Common Heath, Common Marbled Carpet, Cousin German, Dark Brocade, Dark Marbled Carpet, Dark Tussock, Deep-brown Dart, Double-striped Pug, Emperor Moth, Flounced Chestnut, Fox Moth, Glaucous Shears, Golden-rod Brindle, Golden-rod Pug, Grass Eggar, Grass Wave, Great Brocade, Grey Mountain Carpet, Grey Scalloped Bar, Heath Rustic, Hebrew Character, Horse Chestnut, Ingrailed Clay, July Highflyer, Knot Grass, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Light Knot Grass, Magpie, Mottled Beauty, Narrow-winged Pug, Neglected Rustic, Northern Deep-brown Dart, Oak Eggar, Orange Moth, Pale Eggar, Purple Clay, Rannoch Brindled Beauty, Red Sword-grass, Reed Dagger, Ringed Carpet, Ruddy Highflyer, Satyr Pug, Scalloped Oak, Scarce Silver Y, Scotch Annulet, Shoulder-striped Clover, Small Autumnal Moth, Small Grass Emerald, Small Square-spot, Smoky Wave, Sweet Gale Moth, True Lover's Knot, Twin-spot Carpet, Vapourer, Weaver's Wave, Winter Moth, Wormwood Pug, Yellow-line Quaker, Yellow-tail
heathersCalluna and Erica spp.Common Marbled Carpet, Dotted Clay, Ruby Tiger, Scarce Vapourer, Scotch Burnet, Silver-studded Blue (Heathland), Speckled Footman
heathsErica spp.Glaucous Shears
Hedge BarberryBerberis x stenophyllaScarce Tissue
Hedge BedstrawGalium albumBarred Straw, Beech-green Carpet, Black Rustic, Cloaked Carpet, Common Carpet, Flame, Galium Carpet, Green Carpet, Hummingbird Hawk-moth, Mottled Rustic, Purple Bar, Royal Mantle, Ruddy Carpet, Silver-ground Carpet, Single-dotted Wave, Six-striped Rustic, Small Elephant Hawk-moth, Square-spot Rustic, Striped Hawk-moth, Striped Twin-spot Carpet, Water Carpet, White-line Dart, Wood Carpet
Hedge BindweedCalystegia sepiumConvolvulus Hawk-moth, Elephant Hawk-moth, Splendid Brocade
Hedge MustardSisymbrium officinaleGreen-veined White, Orange-tip
Hedge WoundwortStachys sylvaticaBeautiful Golden Y, Plain Golden Y
Hemp-agrimonyEupatorium cannabinumBurnished Brass, Emperor Moth, Frosted Orange, Gold Spangle, Grey Pug, Jersey Tiger, Lime-speck Pug, Scarce Burnished Brass, Scarlet Tiger, V-Pug, Wormwood Pug
hemp-nettlesEupatorium cannabinumSatyr Pug
HenbaneHyoscyamus nigerBordered Sallow, Bordered Straw
Highbush BlueberryVaccinium corymbosumGrey Dagger
Himalayan BalsamImpatiens glanduliferaElephant Hawk-moth, Small Phoenix
Himalayan KnotweedKoenigia polystachyaArgent & Sable
Hoary CressLepidium drabaFeathered Ranunculus
Hoary MulleinVerbascum pulverulentumMullein
Hoary RagwortJacobaea erucifoliaCinnabar, Sussex Emerald
Hoary Rock-roseHelianthemum oelandicumSilver-studded Blue (Great Orme)
Hog's FennelPeucedanum officinaleFisher's Estuarine Moth
HogweedHeracleum sphondyliumBrindled Ochre, Common Pug, Garden Dart, Plain Golden Y, Triple-spotted Pug, White-spotted Pug
HollyIlex aquifoliumDouble-striped Pug, Holly Blue (Spring brood), Privet Hawk-moth, Swallow-tailed Moth, Yellow-barred Brindle
HollyhockAlcea roseaDot Moth, Mallow
Holm OakQuercus ilexBlair's Mocha, Brindled Beauty, Brindled Green, Brindled Pug, Engrailed, Lackey, Least Black Arches, Lobster Moth, Oak Nycteoline, Oak Processionary, Oak Rustic, Privet Hawk-moth, Sombre Brocade, Yellow-legged Clearwing
HonestyLunaria annuaGarden Carpet, Orange-tip
HoneysuckleLonicera periclymenumAngle Shades, Beautiful Golden Y, Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth, Brown-spot Pinion, Buff Ermine, Common Emerald, Copper Underwing, Early Thorn, Early Tooth-striped, Engrailed, Gold Spangle, Gothic, Green Arches, Grey Arches, Guernsey Underwing, Hebrew Character, Ingrailed Clay, Jersey Tiger, Large Ranunculus, Leopard Moth, Lilac Beauty, Mottled Beauty, Mottled Umber, Oak Eggar, Orange Moth, Pale Oak Beauty, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Plain Golden Y, Privet Hawk-moth, Scalloped Oak, Scarlet Tiger, Silvery Arches, Small Blood-vein, Streamer, Swallow-tailed Moth, Sweet Gale Moth, Triple-spotted Clay, Twin-spotted Quaker, White Admiral, Willow Beauty
honeysucklesLonicera spp.Early Grey
HopHumulus lupulusBright-line Brown-eye, Buff Ermine, Buttoned Snout, Cinnabar, Comma, Currant Pug, Dark Spectacle, Dot Moth, Flame, Ghost Moth, Knot Grass, Mottled Rustic, Pale Tussock, Peacock, Peppered Moth, Privet Hawk-moth, Red Admiral, Red Sword-grass, Rosy Rustic, Silver Y, Sword-grass, Twin-spotted Quaker
HornbeamCarpinus betulusBarred Sallow, Black Arches, Buff-tip, Canary-shouldered Thorn, Copper Underwing, Coxcomb Prominent, Dotted Border, Dotted Clay, Engrailed, Light Emerald, Little Emerald, March Moth, Mottled Umber, November Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Pale November Moth, Purple Clay, Red-green Carpet, Scarce Umber, Small Brindled Beauty, Small Fan-foot, Small White Wave, Square Spot, Svensson's Copper Underwing, Winter Moth
Horse-chestnutAesculus hippocastanumLeopard Moth, Light Emerald, Pale Pinion, Swallow-tailed Moth, Sycamore
Horse-radishArmoracia rusticanaGarden Carpet
Horseshoe VetchHippocrepis comosaAdonis Blue, Chalk Carpet, Chalk Hill Blue, Clouded Yellow, Dingy Skipper, Mullein Wave, Silver-studded Blue (Portland), Six-belted Clearwing, Six-spot Burnet
horsetailsEquisetum spp.Rosy Rustic, Scarlet Tiger
Hound's-tongueCynoglossum officinaleCoast Dart, Feathered Ranunculus, Flame, Garden Tiger, Northern Drab, Sand Dart, Scarlet Tiger, Wood Tiger
Hybrid Black-poplarPopulus x canadensisHornet Moth, Miller, Pale-lemon Sallow, Poplar Grey, White Satin Moth
Hybrid Crack-willowSalix x fragilisCream-bordered Green Pea, Lunar Hornet Moth, Portland Ribbon Wave, Purple Emperor, Red Underwing
HyssopHyssopus officinalisBurnished Brass
irisesIris spp.Crinan Ear
IvyHedera spp.Holly Blue (Summer brood)
Ivy-leaved ToadflaxCymbalaria muralisMullein Wave
Japanese ElmUlmus davidianaClouded Magpie
Japanese KnotweedReynoutria japonicaYellow-tail
Japanese QuinceChaenomeles japonicaFigure of Eight
Japanese Red-cedarCryptomeria japonicaTawny-barred Angle
jasminesJasminum spp.Buff Ermine, Common Emerald, Privet Hawk-moth
Jointed RushJuncus articulatusAntler Moth, Large Heath, Small Rufous
JuneberryAmelanchier lamarckiiGrey Dagger, Light Emerald, Small Eggar
junipersJuniperus spp.Freyer's Pug, Juniper Carpet, Juniper Pug
Kidney VetchAnthyllis vulnerariaAnnulet, Belted Beauty, Black-banded, Grass Eggar, Hoary Footman, Six-belted Clearwing, Six-spot Burnet, Small Blue
knapweedsCentaurea spp.Belted Beauty, Bordered Straw, Grey Pug, Lime-speck Pug, Marbled Clover, Satyr Pug, Treble Lines
KnotgrassPolygonum aviculareBelted Beauty, Bird's Wing, Common Emerald, Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet, Flame, Flame Shoulder, Fox Moth, Green Arches, Ingrailed Clay, Knot Grass, Orache Moth, Red Twin-spot Carpet, Riband Wave, Shears, Shuttle-shaped Dart, Striped Hawk-moth
knotgrassesPolygonum spp.Dog's Tooth, Glaucous Shears, Heart & Club, Light Brocade, Mottled Rustic, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Rustic, Treble Lines
LaburnumLaburnum anagyroidesBuff-tip, Grey Chi, Sycamore
Lady's BedstrawGalium verumBarred Straw, Beech-green Carpet, Common Carpet, Flame Shoulder, Galium Carpet, Green Carpet, Hummingbird Hawk-moth, Mottled Grey, Oblique Striped, Purple Bar, Red Twin-spot Carpet, Royal Mantle, Ruddy Carpet, Small Elephant Hawk-moth, Square-spot Dart, Striped Twin-spot Carpet, Water Carpet, White-line Dart, Wood Carpet
lady's-mantlesAlchemilla spp.Angle Shades, Red Carpet
larchesLarix spp.Bordered White, Broom Moth, Cloaked Pug, Dot Moth, Dun-bar, Dwarf Pug, Engrailed, Feathered Thorn, Hebrew Character, Oak Nycteoline, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Oak Beauty, Peppered Moth, Pine Beauty, Purple Thorn, Satin Beauty, Scalloped Hazel, Scarce Umber, Sharp-angled Peacock, Small Autumnal Moth, Square Spot, Tawny-barred Angle, Turnip Moth, Winter Moth
Large Bitter-cressCardamine amaraGreen-veined White, Orange-tip
Large-leaved LimeTilia platyphyllosPauper Pug
LarkspurConsolida ajacisPale-shouldered Brocade
larkspursConsolida spp.Golden Plusia
laurelsPrunus spp.Willow Beauty
LaurustinusViburnum tinusPrivet Hawk-moth
lavendersLavandula spp.Scalloped Oak
Lawson's CypressCupressus lawsonianaBlair's Shoulder-knot, Dwarf Pug, Grey Pine Carpet, Scalloped Hazel, Spruce Carpet
Lesser BulrushTypha angustifoliaBulrush Wainscot, Rush Wainscot, Webb's Wainscot
Lesser BurdockArctium minusBurnished Brass, Rosy Rustic
Lesser CelandineFicaria vernaTwin-spot Carpet, Yellow Shell
Lesser Meadow-rueThalictrum minusMarsh Carpet
Lesser Pond-sedgeCarex acutiformisBlair's Wainscot, Drinker, Small Wainscot
Lesser SpearwortRanunculus flammulaSlender-striped Rufous
Lesser TrefoilTrifolium dubiumCommon Blue
lettucesLactuca spp.Flame, Flame Shoulder, Jersey Tiger, Pearly Underwing, Shuttle-shaped Dart
Leyland CypressCupressus x leylandiiBlair's Shoulder-knot, Willow Beauty
lichensBeautiful Hook-tip, Brussels Lace, Buff Footman, Common Footman, Dew Moth, Dingy Footman, Four-dotted Footman, Four-spotted Footman, Hoary Footman, Marbled Beauty, Marbled Green, Muslin Footman, Orange Footman, Pigmy Footman, Red-necked Footman, Rosy Footman, Round-winged Muslin, Scalloped Hazel, Scarce Footman, Tree-lichen Beauty
LilacSyringa vulgarisAugust Thorn, Death's-head Hawk-moth, Hebrew Character, Leopard Moth, Lilac Beauty, March Moth, Orange Moth, Pale Pinion, Privet Hawk-moth, Svensson's Copper Underwing, Swallow-tailed Moth, Waved Umber, Willow Beauty
liliesLilium spp.Vapourer
LimeTilia x europaeaOak Beauty, Orange Sallow, Pauper Pug
limesTilia spp.Alder Moth, August Thorn, Autumn Green Carpet, Black Arches, Brimstone Moth, Brindled White-spot, Broken-barred Carpet, Buff-tip, Canary-shouldered Thorn, Clouded Drab, Common Emerald, Copper Underwing, Coxcomb Prominent, December Moth, Dotted Border, Green Silver-lines, Grey Dagger, Hebrew Character, Lime Hawk-moth, Lobster Moth, Lunar-spotted Pinion, March Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Pinion, Pale Tussock, Red-green Carpet, Satellite, Scalloped Hazel, Scarce Umber, September Thorn, Silver Y, Sprawler, Svensson's Copper Underwing, Vapourer
Lizard OrchidHimantoglossum hircinumMullein
Lodgepole PinePinus contortaBarred Red, Dark Brocade, Double-striped Pug, Grey Mountain Carpet, July Highflyer, Narrow-winged Pug, Pine Beauty, Pine Carpet, Pine-tree Lappet, Satyr Pug, True Lover's Knot, Twin-spot Carpet, Winter Moth
Lombardy-poplarPopulus nigraHornet Moth, Lunar Hornet Moth, Olive, Pale-lemon Sallow, Poplar Grey
London PlanePlatanus x hispanicaSycamore
LondonprideSaxifraga x urbiumLarge Ranunculus
Lords-and-LadiesArum maculatumLesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Square-spotted Clay
LousewortPedicularis sylvaticaSmall Purple-barred
lousewortsPedicularis spp.Water Ermine
LucerneMedicago sativa ssp. sativaBurnet Companion, Grass Eggar, Latticed Heath, Shears
Lyme-grassLeymus arenariusCrescent, Lyme Grass, Rosy Minor
MaizeZea maysDouble-striped Pug
Male-fernDryopteris filix-masSmall Angle Shades
mallowsMalva spp.Painted Lady, Small Angle Shades
Mangel-wurzelBeta vulgarisSword-grass
maplesAcer spp.Maple Prominent, Sycamore
Maritime PinePinus pinasterPine Beauty, Pine Hawk-moth
MarramAmmophila arenariaDrinker, Flounced Rustic, Grass Eggar, Grayling (Coastal sites), L-album Wainscot, Northern Drab, Portland Moth, Rosy Minor, Shore Wainscot
Marsh CinquefoilComarum palustreEmperor Moth, Purple-bordered Gold
Marsh PeaLathyrus palustrisBlackneck
Marsh RagwortJacobaea aquaticaCinnabar, Garden Tiger, Water Ermine
Marsh SowthistleSonchus palustrisShark
Marsh ThistleCirsium palustreBroom Moth, Red Sword-grass
Marsh ValerianValeriana dioicaLeast Yellow Underwing, Valerian Pug
Marsh VioletViola palustrisDark Green Fritillary, Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Northern sites), Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
marsh-bedstrawsGalium spp.Purple Bar, Small Elephant Hawk-moth
Marsh-mallowAlthaea officinalisMallow, Marsh Mallow Moth
Mat-grassNardus strictaAntler Moth, Feathered Gothic, Hedge Rustic, Mountain Ringlet, Straw Underwing
mayweedsTripleurospermum spp.Chamomile Shark, Wormwood Pug
Meadow ButtercupRanunculus acrisDeep-brown Dart, Fern, Lunar Yellow Underwing
Meadow FoxtailAlopecurus pratensisEssex Skipper, Small Skipper
Meadow VetchlingLathyrus pratensisBelted Beauty, Cryptic Wood White, Latticed Heath, Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet, New Forest Burnet, Wood White
meadow-grassesPoa spp.Clay, Drinker, Feathered Gothic, Gatekeeper, Large Yellow Underwing, Meadow Brown (Young larvae), Ringlet, Small Heath
MeadowsweetFilipendula ulmariaBlossom Underwing, Brown-spot Pinion, Brown-tail, Common Marbled Carpet, Emperor Moth, Fox Moth, Glaucous Shears, Hebrew Character, Least Yellow Underwing, Lesser Cream Wave, Peach Blossom, Powdered Quaker, Red Sword-grass, Rosy Rustic, Satyr Pug, Scarce Vapourer, Scarlet Tiger, Sweet Gale Moth
michaelmas-daisiesAster spp.Burnished Brass, Large Ranunculus, Peppered Moth, Star-wort
Midland HawthornCrataegus laevigataBrick, Brimstone Moth, Brindled Beauty, Brindled White-spot, Broken-barred Carpet, Clouded Silver, Dotted Border, Early Moth, Magpie, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Oak Beauty, Short-cloaked Moth, White-pinion Spotted
Milk-parsleyThyselium palustreSwallowtail
milk-vetchesAstragalus spp.Blackneck
Mind-your-own-businessSoleirolia soleiroliiLarge Yellow Underwing
mintsMentha spp.Grey Chi, Large Ranunculus, Orange Moth, Plain Golden Y
mock-privetsPhillyrea spp.Privet Hawk-moth
monk's-hoodsAconitum spp.Golden Plusia
MonkeyflowerErythranthe guttataMouse Moth
montbretiasCrocosmia spp.Oak Eggar
Monterey CypressCupressus macrocarpaBlair's Shoulder-knot, Cypress Carpet, Cypress Pug, Grey Pine Carpet, Willow Beauty
Monterey PinePinus radiataPine Hawk-moth
morning-gloriesIpomoea spp.Convolvulus Hawk-moth
Moss CampionSilene acaulisMarbled Coronet, Netted Pug
mossesBarred Carpet, Gold Swift, Rosy Footman, Round-winged Muslin
Mossy SaxifrageSaxifraga hypnoidesYellow-ringed Carpet
Moth MulleinVerbascum blattariaMullein
Mountain AvensDryas octopetalaEmperor Moth
Mouse-ear-hawkweedPilosella officinarumClouded Buff, Gold Spangle, Shears
mouse-earsCerastium spp.White-line Dart
MugwortArtemisia vulgarisBordered Pug, Common Emerald, Flame Carpet, Frosted Orange, Grey Pug, Large Ranunculus, Lime-speck Pug, Mouse Moth, Mullein Wave, Northern Drab, Peppered Moth, Tawny Speckled Pug, V-Pug, Wormwood, Wormwood Pug
mulleinsVerbascum spp.Heart & Club, Satyr Pug, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Striped Lychnis
NasturtiumTropaeolum majusGarden Carpet, Green-veined White, Large White, Small White
NavelwortUmbilicus rupestrisMagpie, Weaver's Wave
Nettle-leaved BellflowerCampanula tracheliumCampanula Pug, Grey Pug
nettlesUrtica spp.Ghost Moth, Small Angle Shades, Yellow-tail
Night-flowering CatchflySilene noctifloraLychnis
NipplewortLapsana communisBuff Ermine
Noble FirAbies proceraCloaked Pug, Spruce Carpet
Norway MapleAcer platanoidesSycamore
Norway SprucePicea abiesBarred Red, Black Arches, Bordered White, Cloaked Pug, Dusky Peacock, Dwarf Pug, Feathered Beauty, Garden Tiger, Grey Pine Carpet, Larch Pug, Pine Hawk-moth, Spruce Carpet, Tawny-barred Angle, Willow Beauty
Nottingham Catchflysilene nutansMarbled Coronet, Netted Pug, Tawny Shears, White Spot, Yellow Belle
oaksQuercus spp.Alder Moth, Autumn Green Carpet, Barred Umber, Beautiful Brocade, Black Arches, Blossom Underwing, Bordered Sallow, Brimstone Moth, Brown-spot Pinion, Buff-tip, Cabbage Moth, Chestnut, Clay Fan-foot, Clay Triple-lines, Clouded Drab, Common Emerald, Common Footman, Common Lutestring, Common Marbled Carpet, Common Quaker, Common White Wave, Copper Underwing, Coxcomb Prominent, Dark Chestnut, Dark Dagger, December Moth, Double Dart, Early Moth, Engrailed, Fan-foot, Feathered Thorn, Festoon, Flounced Chestnut, Four-spotted Footman, Golden-rod Pug, Grey Dagger, Guernsey Underwing, Gypsy Moth, Hebrew Character, Iron Prominent, Lackey, Large Thorn, Leopard Moth, Lime Hawk-moth, Little Emerald, Lobster Moth, Lunar Thorn, Lunar-spotted Pinion, March Moth, Miller, Mottled Beauty, Mottled Umber, November Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Oak Beauty, Oak Eggar, Olive Crescent, Orange Underwing, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Eggar, Pale November Moth, Pale Tussock, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Pebble Hook-tip, Peppered Moth, Purple Thorn, Red-green Carpet, Satellite, Satin Beauty, Scalloped Hazel, Scalloped Oak, Scarce Umber, Scarce Vapourer, Scorched Wing, September Thorn, Small Angle Shades, Small Fan-foot, Small Quaker, Sprawler, Square Spot, Square-spot Rustic, Swallow-tailed Moth, Sycamore, Twin-spotted Quaker, Vapourer, Winter Moth, Yellow-line Quaker, Yellow-tail
oat-grassesTrisetum spp.Beaded Chestnut, Dusky Sallow
Oil-seed RapeBrassica napus ssp. oleiferaPearly Underwing
OliveOlea europaeaYellow-barred Brindle
Olympian MulleinVerbascum olympicumMullein
onionsAllium spp.Nutmeg
orachesAtriplex spp.Bright-line Brown-eye, Dark Spinach, Double-striped Pug, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Nutmeg, Orache Moth, Plain Pug, White Colon
Orange BalsamImpatiens capensisBalsam Carpet, Elephant Hawk-moth
Oregon-grapeMahonia aquifoliumScarce Tissue
OrpineHylotelephium telephiumCommon Pug, Magpie, Mottled Rustic
OsierSalix viminalisCream-bordered Green Pea, Red-tipped Clearwing, Slender Pug
Oxeye DaisyLeucanthemum vulgareCinnabar
Oxford RagwortSenecio squalidusCinnabar
OxlipPrimula elatiorSquare-spotted Clay
oxtonguesHelminthotheca echioidesBroad-barred White
Pale Dog-violetViola lacteaHigh Brown Fritillary
Pale ToadflaxLinaria repensToadflax Brocade, Toadflax Pug
Pampas-grassCortaderia selloanaDouble Lobed
PeachPrunus persicaFigure of Eight, Knot Grass, Red-belted Clearwing
PearPyrus communisBrindled Beauty, Brown-tail, Chinese Character, Dark Dagger, Figure of Eight, Goat Moth, Gothic, Green Pug, Grey Dagger, Lappet, Leopard Moth, Lobster Moth, Lunar-spotted Pinion, Mottled Pug, Red-belted Clearwing, Short-cloaked Moth, Swallow-tailed Moth, Yellow-tail
pearsPyrus spp.Pinion-spotted Pug
Pedunculate OakQuercus roburAugust Thorn, Barred Sallow, Blotched Emerald, Brindled Beauty, Brindled Green, Brindled Pug, Brindled White-spot, Broken-barred Carpet, Buff Ermine, Common Fan-foot, Dark Crimson Underwing, Dotted Border, Dun-bar, False Mocha, Festoon, Fox Moth, Frosted Green, Goat Moth, Great Oak Beauty, Great Prominent, Green Silver-lines, Grey Arches, Grey Shoulder-knot, Heart Moth, Least Black Arches, Light Crimson Underwing, Light Emerald, Lunar Marbled Brown, Maiden's Blush, Marbled Brown, Marbled Pug, Merveille du Jour, Mottled Pug, Muslin Moth, Oak Hook-tip, Oak Lutestring, Oak Nycteoline, Oak Processionary, Oak-tree Pug, Pale Oak Beauty, Powdered Quaker, Purple Hairstreak, Scarce Merveille du Jour, Scarce Silver-lines, Small Black Arches, Small Brindled Beauty, Small Fan-foot, Spring Usher, Svensson's Copper Underwing, Triangle, Yellow-legged Clearwing
Pellitory-of-the-wallParietaria judaicaBloxworth Snout, Red Admiral
Pendulous SedgeCarex pendulaDrinker
Perennial SowthistleSonchus arvensisStriped Hawk-moth
Perforate St John's-wortHypericum perforatumV-Pug
Persian IronwoodParrotia persicaBuff-tip
Petty WhinGenista anglicaGrass Emerald, Grass Wave, July Belle, Lead Belle, Scotch Annulet, Small Grass Emerald
PignutConopodium majusChimney Sweeper, Golden-rod Pug
pinesPinus spp.Bordered White, Broom Moth, Mottled Beauty, Ochreous Pug, Scalloped Hazel, Square Spot, Willow Beauty
pinksDianthus spp.Marbled Coronet, Scarce Bordered Straw, Tawny Shears
plantainsPlantago spp.Autumnal Rustic, Barred Chestnut, Black Rustic, Brown Rustic, Clay, Clouded Buff, Common Emerald, Double Square-spot, Feathered Ranunculus, Flame, Garden Dart, Garden Tiger, Green Carpet, Heart & Dart, Ingrailed Clay, Jersey Tiger, Knot Grass, Large Ranunculus, Mottled Rustic, Muslin Moth, Pale Mottled Willow, Pearly Underwing, Plain Golden Y, Ruby Tiger, Rustic, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Silvery Arches, Small Square-spot, Square-spot Rustic, Uncertain, Vine's Rustic, Wood Tiger
Ploughman's-spikenardInula conyzaeBordered Straw, Scarce Footman, Small Marbled, Sword-grass
PlumPrunus domestica ssp. domesticaBrindled Beauty, Clouded Silver, Dark Dagger, Goat Moth, Green-brindled Crescent, Grey Dagger, Light Emerald, Magpie, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Pinion, Small Eggar, Sycamore, Willow Beauty
PolyanthusPrimula x polyanthaAngle Shades
pond-sedgesCarex spp.Crescent
poplarsPopulus spp.Brick, Chocolate-tip, Clifden Nonpareil, Clouded Border, Common Wave, Coxcomb Prominent, December Moth, Dingy Shears, Eyed Hawk-moth, Feathered Thorn, Goat Moth, Herald, July Highflyer, Large Thorn, Large Tortoiseshell, Lead-coloured Drab, Miller, Olive, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Eggar, Pale Prominent, Pebble Prominent, Peppered Moth, Pink-barred Sallow, Poplar Grey, Poplar Hawk-moth, Poplar Kitten, Poplar Lutestring, Puss Moth, Red Underwing, Sallow, Sallow Kitten, Satellite, Scarce Chocolate-tip, Scarce Umber, Seraphim, Small Chocolate-tip, Sprawler, Swallow Prominent, Triangle, Twin-spotted Quaker, White Satin Moth, Yellow-line Quaker
Pot MarigoldCalendula officinalisBordered Straw, Large Yellow Underwing
Pot MarjoramOriganum majoranaYellow Shell
PotatoSolanum tuberosumAngle Shades, Death's-head Hawk-moth, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Rosy Rustic
Prickly LettuceLactuca serriolaBroad-barred White, Small Ranunculus, Vine's Rustic
Prickly SaltwortSalsola kaliSand Dart
PrimrosePrimula vulgarisBroad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Dotted Clay, Double Square-spot, Duke of Burgundy, Great Brocade, Green Arches, Grey Arches, Ingrailed Clay, Large Twin-spot Carpet, Least Yellow Underwing, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Northern Rustic, Plain Clay, Riband Wave, Silver-ground Carpet, Square-spotted Clay, Triple-spotted Clay, Twin-spot Carpet, Uncertain, Vine's Rustic
privetsLigustrum spp.Common Marbled Carpet, Leopard Moth
Purple Moor-grassMolinia caeruleaAnomalous, Antler Moth, Chequered Skipper, Drinker, Large Ear, Large Skipper, Marbled White Spot, Mother Shipton, Red Sword-grass, Ruby Tiger, Scotch Argus, Silver Barred, Straw Dot, Striped Wainscot
Purple SaxifrageSaxifraga oppositifoliaNorthern Rustic, Yellow-ringed Carpet
Purple Small-reedCalamagrostis canescensConcolorous, Lempke's Gold Spot
Purple ToadflaxLinaria purpureaToadflax Brocade
Purple WillowSalix purpureaDouble Kidney, Minor Shoulder-knot
Purple-loosestrifeLythrum salicariaCommon Heath, Elephant Hawk-moth, Emperor Moth, Knot Grass, Powdered Quaker, Small Elephant Hawk-moth, V-Pug
quaking-grassesBriza spp.Dusky Sallow
Ragged-RobinSilene flos-cuculiBroad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth, Campion, Lychnis, Marbled Coronet, Rivulet
ragwortsJacobaea spp.Common Pug, Cream-spot Tiger, Double-striped Pug, Feathered Ranunculus, Frosted Orange, Northern Drab, Ruby Tiger, Shaded Pug, Wood Tiger
RaspberryRubus idaeusAlder Moth, Beautiful Carpet, Buff Arches, Common Marbled Carpet, Common Pug, Double Square-spot, Early Thorn, Emperor Moth, Fan-foot, Grizzled Skipper, Kent Black Arches, Lackey, Pale Oak Beauty, Peach Blossom, Purple Thorn, Raspberry Clearwing, Rosy Rustic, Saxon, Scarce Umber, Small Fan-foot
Red BartsiaOdontites vernusBarred Rivulet
Red CampionSilene dioicaBroad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth, Campion, Golden-rod Pug, Lychnis, Marbled Coronet, Netted Pug, Rivulet, Sandy Carpet, Small Elephant Hawk-moth, Twin-spot Carpet
Red CloverTrifolium pratenseNarrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet
Red CurrantRibes rubrumCommon Marbled Carpet, Currant Clearwing, Currant Pug, Magpie, Phoenix, Spinach, V-Moth
Red Dead-nettleLamium purpureumCommon Swift, Dotted Clay, Muslin Moth, Plain Golden Y
Red FescueFestuca rubraBrown-line Bright-eye, Crescent Striped, Grayling (Calcareous soils), Map-winged Swift, Marbled White (Young larvae)
Red GoosefootOxybasis rubraSand Dart
Red ValerianCentranthus ruberAngle Shades, Feathered Ranunculus, Large Ranunculus, Lesser Yellow Underwing
red-cedarsThuja spp.Juniper Pug
RedshankPersicaria maculosaBlood-vein, Light Brocade
Reed Canary-grassPhalaris arundinaceaDouble Lobed, Drinker, Dusky Brocade, Lunar Yellow Underwing, Marbled Minor, Small Clouded Brindle, Southern Wainscot, Striped Wainscot
Reed Sweet-grassGlyceria maximaBright-line Brown-eye, Double Lobed, Reed Dagger, Small Wainscot
Reflexed Saltmarsh-grassPuccinellia distansCrescent Striped
restharrowsOnonis spp.Portland Moth, Yellow Shell
RhododendronRhododendron ponticumAlder Moth, November Moth, Small Fan-foot, Svensson's Copper Underwing
RhubarbRheum rhabarbarumKnot Grass
Ribbed MelilotMelilotus officinalisGrass Eggar
Ribbon-grassPhalaris arundinaceaDrinker
Ribwort PlantainPlantago lanceolataFlame Brocade, Flame Shoulder, Glanville Fritillary, Grey Chi, Heath Fritillary (Unimproved grassland), Marsh Moth, Riband Wave, Rosy Rustic, Six-striped Rustic, Sweet Gale Moth, White Colon
RobleNothofagus obliquaBuff-tip
Rock Sea-lavenderLimonium binervosumLime-speck Pug
Rock Sea-spurreySpergularia rupicolaBarrett's Marbled Coronet, Marbled Coronet, Tawny Shears
Rosebay WillowherbChamaenerion angustifoliumBedstraw Hawk-moth, Elephant Hawk-moth, Large Ranunculus, Mouse Moth, Old Lady, Scarce Vapourer, Small Phoenix, Striped Hawk-moth, White-banded Carpet, White-marked
rosesRosa spp.Autumn Green Carpet, Brown-spot Pinion, Chestnut, Chevron, Common Marbled Carpet, Coxcomb Prominent, Cream-spot Tiger, Dotted Clay, Double-striped Pug, Elephant Hawk-moth, Figure of Eight, Grey Dagger, Jersey Tiger, Large Ranunculus, Light Emerald, March Moth, Muslin Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Oak Eggar, Pale Brindled Beauty, Peppered Moth, Scalloped Oak, Scarce Vapourer, Small Quaker, Small White Wave, Sycamore, Vapourer, Willow Beauty, Yellow-tail
Rough ChervilChaerophyllum temulumBeautiful Golden Y, Chimney Sweeper, Gold Spangle, Plain Golden Y, Twin-spot Carpet
Rough Meadow-grassPoa trivialisConfused
Round-leaved MintMentha suaveolensCommon Marbled Carpet
RowanSorbus aucupariaAlder Moth, Autumn Green Carpet, Beautiful Brocade, Brimstone Moth, Buff Ermine, Buff-tip, Chevron, Chinese Character, Coxcomb Prominent, Dark Dagger, Double-striped Pug, Emperor Moth, Garden Tiger, Green-brindled Crescent, Grey Dagger, Herald, Leopard Moth, Light Emerald, March Moth, Mottled Pug, Mottled Umber, Northern Winter Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Oak Eggar, Orange Underwing, Privet Hawk-moth, Red-belted Clearwing, Red-green Carpet, Scalloped Oak, Scarce Umber, Scorched Wing, Small Yellow Wave, Welsh Wave, Willow Beauty, Winter Moth, Yellow-barred Brindle
Rush-leaved FescueFestuca arenariaPortland Moth
rushesJuncus spp.Gold Spot
SainfoinOnobrychis viciifoliaDeep-brown Dart, Latticed Heath, Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet
Salad BurnetPoterium sanguisorba ssp. sanguisorbaAnnulet, Emperor Moth, Fox Moth, Grizzled Skipper, Mouse Moth, Wood Tiger
sallowsSalix spp.Large Tortoiseshell
Sand CouchElymus junceiformisCoast Dart, Sandhill Rustic
Sand SpurreySpergularia rubraBarrett's Marbled Coronet, Bordered Straw, White Colon
Saw-wortSerratula tinctoriaMouse Moth, Reddish Buff
saxifragesSaxifraga spp.Scotch Annulet
scabiousesSaxifraga spp.Satyr Pug
Scarlet GeraniumPelargonium x hybridumScarce Bordered Straw
Scentless MayweedTripleurospermum inodorumBordered Straw, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Scots PinePinus sylvestrisAutumnal Moth, Barred Red, Black Arches, Bordered White, Dusky Peacock, Dwarf Pug, Engrailed, Garden Tiger, Grey Pine Carpet, Ochreous Pug, Pine Beauty, Pine Carpet, Pine Hawk-moth, Pine-tree Lappet, Rannoch Looper, Satin Beauty, Spruce Carpet, Tawny-barred Angle
Sea ArrowgrassTriglochin maritimaGround Lackey
Sea AsterTripolium pannonicumBroom Moth, Double-striped Pug, Star-wort
Sea BindweedCalystegia soldanellaBordered Straw, Convolvulus Hawk-moth, Portland Moth, Sand Dart, White Colon
Sea CampionSilene unifloraAnnulet, Barrett's Marbled Coronet, Black-banded, Bordered Gothic, Campion, Feathered Brindle, Grey, Ground Lackey, Marbled Coronet, Netted Pug, Sweet Gale Moth, Tawny Shears, Twin-spot Carpet, White Colon
Sea PlantainPlantago maritimaBelted Beauty, Black-banded, Dog's Tooth, Ground Lackey, Sweet Gale Moth, White Colon
Sea RocketCakile maritimaSand Dart, White Colon
Sea SandwortHonckenya peploidesArcher's Dart, Bordered Sallow, Coast Dart, White Colon
Sea SpurgeEuphorbia paraliasCoast Dart
Sea WormwoodArtemisia maritimaGround Lackey, Lime-speck Pug, Portland Moth, Scarce Pug, Star-wort, Wormwood, Yellow Belle
Sea-buckthornHippophae rhamnoidesAngle-barred Pug, Broom Moth, Brown-tail, Common Emerald, Oak Eggar, Sand Dart, Sharp-angled Peacock
Sea-hollyEryngium maritimumSand Dart
Sea-kaleCrambe maritimaLarge White (On the coast), Small White (On the coast)
sea-lavendersLimonium spp.Rosy Rustic
Sea-milkwortLysimachia maritimaSand Dart
Sea-purslaneAtriplex portulacoidesGround Lackey, Sand Dart
sedgesCarex spp.Red Sword-grass, Reed Dagger, Rosy Rustic, Silver Hook, Small Clouded Brindle, Small Wainscot
Sessile OakQuercus petraeaBlotched Emerald, Brindled Green, Brindled Pug, Canary-shouldered Thorn, Frosted Green, Great Prominent, Green Silver-lines, Lunar Marbled Brown, Marbled Brown, Marbled Pug, Oak Hook-tip, Oak Lutestring, Powdered Quaker, Purple Hairstreak, Scarce Silver-lines, Small Brindled Beauty, Spring Usher, Yellow-legged Clearwing
Sharp-flowered RushJuncus acutiflorusRed Sword-grass, Small Rufous
Sheep's SorrelRumex acetosellaClouded Buff, Fiery Clearwing, Forester, Grass Eggar, Plain Clay, Small Copper
Sheep's-bitJasione montanaCampanula Pug
Sheep's-fescueFestuca ovinaAntler Moth, Autumnal Rustic, Cloaked Minor, Feathered Gothic, Grayling (Calcareous soils), Lunar Yellow Underwing, Marbled White (Young larvae), Northern Rustic, Rosy Minor, Scotch Argus, Silver-spotted Skipper
Shepherd's-purseCapsella bursa-pastorisGarden Carpet
Sherard's Downy-roseRosa sherardiiStreamer
Shining Crane'sbillGeranium lucidumAnnulet
Shrubby CinquefoilDasiphora fruticosaLackey
Siberian Violet-willowSalix acutifoliaHornet Moth
Sickle MedickMedicago sativaGrass Eggar
Silky Wall Feather-mossHomalothecium sericeumRound-winged Muslin
Silver BirchBetula pendulaAngle-striped Sallow, Argent & Sable, Autumnal Moth, Barred Umber, Birch Mocha, Brindled Beauty, Brindled White-spot, Canary-shouldered Thorn, Common White Wave, Early Thorn, Engrailed, Festoon, Green Silver-lines, Grey Birch, Iron Prominent, Kentish Glory, Lackey, Large Emerald, Large Red-belted Clearwing, Lesser Swallow Prominent, Light Emerald, Lime Hawk-moth, Little Emerald, Miller, Northern Winter Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Oak Hook-tip, Orange Underwing, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pale Oak Beauty, Pebble Hook-tip, Scalloped Hook-tip, Scalloped Oak, Scarce Prominent, Scarce Silver-lines, Scorched Wing, Triangle, Welsh Clearwing, Yellow Horned
Silver Hair-grassAira caryophylleaStraw Underwing
SilverweedPotentilla anserinaGrizzled Skipper
Sitka SprucePicea sitchensisCloaked Pug, Clouded Drab, Dark Brocade, Double-striped Pug, Dwarf Pug, Engrailed, Feathered Thorn, Hebrew Character, July Highflyer, Mottled Umber, Satyr Pug, Spruce Carpet, Tawny-barred Angle, Vapourer, Winter Moth
slime mouldsWaved Black
Small BalsamImpatiens parvifloraBalsam Carpet
Small NettleUrtica urensBeautiful Golden Y, Peacock, Pearly Underwing, Red Admiral, Silver Y, Small Tortoiseshell
Small ScabiousScabiosa columbariaMarbled Clover, Marsh Fritillary, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth
Small ToadflaxChaenorhinum minusToadflax Brocade
Small-flowered CatchflySilene gallicaNetted Pug
Small-leaved ElmUlmus minor ssp. minorLesser-spotted Pinion, Lunar-spotted Pinion, White-letter Hairstreak, White-spotted Pinion
Small-leaved LimeTilia cordataBrindled Beauty, Least Black Arches, Lunar Thorn, Orange Sallow, Pauper Pug, Scarce Hook-tip, Small Fan-foot, Square Spot, Triangle
Smooth Hawk's-beardCrepis capillarisBroad-barred White, Marbled Clover, Shears, Small Ranunculus
Smooth Meadow-grassPoa pratensisSilver Barred
Smooth SowthistleSonchus oleraceusGarden Tiger, Glaucous Shears, Grey Chi
Smooth TareErvum tetraspermaBright Wave, Yellow Belle
SnapdragonAntirrhinum majusScarce Bordered Straw, Striped Hawk-moth, Toadflax Pug
SneezewortAchillea ptarmicaBordered Pug, Tawny Speckled Pug
Snow GumEucalyptus niphophilaCommon Quaker
snowberriesSymphoricarpos spp.Holly Blue (Summer brood), White Admiral
SnowberrySymphoricarpos albusBroad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth, Death's-head Hawk-moth, Lilac Beauty, Mottled Pug, Privet Hawk-moth
SoapwortsSaponaria officinalisLychnis
Soft-rushJuncus effususLight Knot Grass, Red Sword-grass, Small Rufous
sorrelsRumex spp.Bird's Wing, Bordered Grey, Deep-brown Dart, Striped Hawk-moth, Yellow Shell
SouthernwoodArtemisia abrotanumBordered Pug, Tawny Speckled Pug
sowthistlesSonchus spp.Broad-barred White, Gothic, Shark, Small Ranunculus
Spanish CatchflySilene otitesMarbled Clover, Shaded Pug, Yellow Belle
Spear ThistleCirsium vulgareBurnished Brass, Powdered Quaker
SpearmintMentha spicataBurnished Brass
SpinachSpinacia oleraceaBright-line Brown-eye, Large Yellow Underwing
SpindleEuonymus europaeusDeath's-head Hawk-moth, Engrailed, Holly Blue (Spring brood), Magpie, Ruby Tiger, Scorched Carpet, Small Eggar
spindlesEuonymus spp.Old Lady
Spiny RestharrowOnonis spinosaBordered Sallow, Grass Eggar
sprucesPicea spp.Broom Moth, Large Ranunculus, Mottled Beauty, Ochreous Pug, Peppered Moth, Satin Beauty, Scalloped Hazel, Turnip Moth
spurgesEuphorbia spp.Spurge Hawk-moth
St John's-wortsHypericum spp.Lesser Treble-bar, Powdered Quaker, Satyr Pug, Shaded Pug, Treble-bar
Sticky GroundselSenecio viscosusBordered Straw, Marbled Clover
Sticky Mouse-earCerastium glomeratumCoast Dart, Small Yellow Underwing
Stinking ChamomileAnthemis cotulaChamomile Shark
Stinking IrisIris foetidissimaKnot Grass, Rosy Minor
stitchwortsStellaria spp.Archer's Dart, Beaded Chestnut, Black Rustic, Brown-spot Pinion, Cloaked Carpet, Clouded Buff, Cream-spot Tiger, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Mottled Rustic, Muslin Moth, Old Lady, Plain Clay, Ruby Tiger, Rustic, Uncertain
stonecropsSedum spp.Magpie, Mullein Wave, Scotch Annulet, Sword-grass
StranvaesiaPhotinia davidianaMottled Pug
strawberriesFragaria spp.Brown Rustic, Mouse Moth, Striped Hawk-moth
Sugar BeetBeta vulgarisRosy Rustic, Sword-grass
Summer JasmineJasminum officinaleDeath's-head Hawk-moth
Swan's-neck Thyme-mossMnium hornumGold Swift
Sweet AlisonLobularia maritimaGarden Carpet, Least Carpet
Sweet ChestnutCastanea sativaAlder Moth, Bordered Sallow, Brimstone Moth, Brindled White-spot, Broken-barred Carpet, Buff-tip, Chestnut, Clay Triple-lines, Clouded Drab, Common Quaker, Common White Wave, Coxcomb Prominent, Dotted Border, Dun-bar, Early Thorn, Goat Moth, Green Silver-lines, Grey Dagger, Light Emerald, Little Emerald, Mottled Umber, Nut-tree Tussock, Olive Crescent, Pale Oak Beauty, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Peppered Moth, Purple Thorn, Satellite, Scarce Merveille du Jour, Scorched Wing, Small Brindled Beauty, Small Quaker, Triangle, Twin-spotted Quaker, V-Pug, Waved Carpet, Winter Moth, Yellow-legged Clearwing, Yellow-tail
Sweet PeaLathyrus odoratusLarge Ranunculus
Sweet Vernal-grassAnthoxanthum odoratumBlack Rustic, Double Line, Scotch Argus
Sweet VioletViola odorataBlack-banded
Sweet-briarRosa rubiginosaShoulder Stripe
Sweet-WilliamDianthus barbatusLychnis, Marbled Coronet, Tawny Shears, Varied Coronet
SycamoreAcer pseudoplatanusAlder Moth, Barred Sallow, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Buff-tip, Chestnut, Clouded Drab, Coxcomb Prominent, Feathered Thorn, Large Thorn, Leopard Moth, Little Emerald, Maple Prominent, March Moth, Mottled Pug, Mottled Umber, Nut-tree Tussock, Pale Oak Beauty, Pale Tussock, Plumed Prominent, Red-green Carpet, Scarce Umber, Small Fan-foot, Small Yellow Wave, Spring Usher, Swallow-tailed Moth, Sycamore, Vapourer, Waved Carpet, Winter Moth, Yellow-barred Brindle
Tall FescueSchedonorus arundinaceusClay, Cloaked Minor, Common Rustic, Morris's Wainscot
TamariskTamarix gallicaAngle-barred Pug, Bright-line Brown-eye, Channel Islands Pug, Peppered Moth
TansyTanacetum vulgareBordered Pug, Double-striped Pug, Silver-ground Carpet, Wormwood Pug
Tea-leaved WillowSalix phylicifoliaMinor Shoulder-knot, Red-tipped Clearwing, Ruddy Highflyer
teaselsDipsacus spp.Burnished Brass, Mottled Rustic, Mouse Moth, Privet Hawk-moth
thistlesCarduus spp. and Cirsium spp.Belted Beauty, Bordered Straw, Frosted Orange, Garden Tiger, Grey Chi, Knot Grass, Painted Lady, Small Angle Shades, Sword-grass
Thorn-appleDatura stramoniumBordered Straw
ThriftArmeria maritimaAnnulet, Black-banded, Crescent Dart, Feathered Ranunculus, Grass Eggar, Grey Chi, Ground Lackey, Sweet Gale Moth, Thrift Clearwing
Thunberg's BarberryBerberis thunbergiiScarce Tissue
TimothyPhleum pratenseEssex Skipper, Marbled White, Small Skipper
toadflaxesLinaria spp.Golden-rod Pug, Yellow Belle
tobaccosNicotiana spp.Cabbage Moth, Elephant Hawk-moth, Pearly Underwing
TomatoSolanum lycopersicumBright-line Brown-eye, Scarce Bordered Straw
Tor-grassBrachypodium rupestreEssex Skipper, Large Skipper, Lulworth Skipper, Marbled White, Straw Dot, Wall
TormentilPotentilla erectaEmperor Moth, Grizzled Skipper, Rosy Marbled, Small Grass Emerald
Touch-me-not BalsamImpatiens noli-tangereAngle Shades, Netted Carpet, Saxon, Small Angle Shades, Small Phoenix
Traveller's-joyClematis vitalbaBright-line Brown-eye, Double Square-spot, Double-striped Pug, Fern, Haworth's Pug, Least Carpet, Lime-speck Pug, Mottled Beauty, Orange Moth, Pretty Chalk Carpet, Small Emerald, Small Fan-foot, Small Waved Umber, V-Pug, Willow Beauty
Tree LupinLupinus arboreusGrass Eggar, Portland Moth, Streak
Tree-mallowMalva arboreaMallow, Scarce Bordered Straw
trefoilsTrifolium spp.Chalk Carpet, Common Heath, Feathered Ranunculus, Latticed Heath
Tufted Hair-grassDeschampsia cespitosaAnomalous, Antler Moth, Black Rustic, Cloaked Minor, Clouded Brindle, Common Rustic, Common Wainscot, Deep-brown Dart, Drinker, Ear Moth, Grayling, Lunar Yellow Underwing, Middle-barred Minor, Ringlet, Rufous Minor, Scotch Argus, Silver Hook, Small Dotted Buff, Smoky Wainscot
Tufted VetchVicia craccaBlackneck, Burnet Companion, Cryptic Wood White, Latticed Heath, Scarce Blackneck, Wood White
Tufted-sedgeCarex elataGold Spot, Reed Dagger, Small Wainscot, Smoky Wainscot
Turkey OakQuercus cerrisOak Processionary, Purple Hairstreak
TurnipBrassica rapa ssp. rapaOrange-tip
twaybladesNeottia spp.Ruby Tiger
twinspursDiascia spp.Bordered Straw
vetchesVicia spp.Brown Rustic, Chalk Carpet, Common Heath, Latticed Heath, Scotch Annulet, Shaded Broad-bar
violetsViola spp.Brown Rustic, Coast Dart, Ingrailed Clay, Large Twin-spot Carpet, Wood Tiger
Viper's-buglossEchium vulgarePainted Lady
viper's-buglossesEchium spp.Orange Swift
virginia-creepersParthenocissus spp.Buff Ermine, Elephant Hawk-moth
Wall CotoneasterCotoneaster horizontalisLackey
Wall LettuceMycelis muralisGrey Pug, Small Ranunculus
WalnutJuglans regiaLobster Moth, Yellow-legged Clearwing
Water DockRumex hydrolapathumFiery Clearwing, Old Lady, Reed Dagger, Scarce Vapourer, Water Ermine
Water FigwortScrophularia auriculataGhost Moth, Mullein, Six-striped Rustic
Water Forget-me-notMyosotis scorpioidesScarlet Tiger
Water HorsetailEquisetum fluviatileGarden Tiger
Water MintMentha aquaticaKnot Grass, Water Ermine
Water-cressNasturtium officinaleGreen-veined White
water-liliesNuphar spp.Elephant Hawk-moth
Water-plantainAlisma plantago-aquaticaGold Spot
Wavy Hair-grassDeschampsia flexuosaAnomalous, Clouded-bordered Brindle, Hedge Rustic, Lunar Yellow Underwing, Rufous Minor, Scotch Argus, Small Clouded Brindle, Wall
Wayfaring-treeViburnum lantanaBrimstone Moth, Leopard Moth, Orange-tailed Clearwing, Privet Hawk-moth, Sprawler
WeigeliaWeigela floridaMottled Pug
Western Hemlock-spruceTsuga heterophyllaBarred Red, Dwarf Pug, Grey Pine Carpet, Satin Beauty, Spruce Carpet, Tawny-barred Angle
Western Red-cedarThuja plicataDwarf Pug, Freyer's Pug, Grey Pine Carpet, Scalloped Hazel, Spruce Carpet
wheatsTriticum spp.Rosy Rustic
White CampionSilene latifoliaBlack-banded, Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth, Campion, Lychnis, Marbled Clover, Marbled Coronet, Netted Pug, Rivulet, Sandy Carpet, Tawny Shears
White CloverTrifolium repensLatticed Heath, Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet
White Dead-nettleLamium albumBeautiful Golden Y, Burnished Brass, Common Swift, Cream-spot Tiger, Flame, Gold Spangle, Green Carpet, Jersey Tiger, Least Yellow Underwing, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Muslin Moth, Plain Golden Y, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Speckled Yellow, Square-spot Rustic
White MulleinVerbascum lychnitisMullein, Striped Lychnis
White PoplarPopulus albaFigure of Eighty, Hornet Moth, Olive, Poplar Grey, Red Underwing, White Satin Moth
White WillowSalix albaBlack Arches, Cream-bordered Green Pea, Grey Scalloped Bar, Light Knot Grass, Miller, Minor Shoulder-knot, Mouse Moth, Pebble Hook-tip, Red Underwing, Sallow Kitten, Small Seraphim, White Satin Moth
whitebeamsSorbus spp.Buff Ermine
Whorl-grassCatabrosa aquaticaReed Dagger
Wild AngelicaAngelica sylvestrisBeautiful Brocade, Brindled Ochre, Burnished Brass, Golden-rod Pug, Grey Pug, Lime-speck Pug, Mottled Beauty, Triple-spotted Pug, V-Pug, White-spotted Pug
Wild CabbageBrassica oleracea var. oleraceaFeathered Ranunculus, Green-veined White, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Yellow Shell
Wild CarrotDaucus carota ssp. carotaGround Lackey, Heart & Club, Lime-speck Pug, Marbled Clover, Red Twin-spot Carpet, Sussex Emerald, White-spotted Pug, Yellow Belle
Wild CherryPrunus aviumAlder Moth, Barred Umber, Clouded Silver, Green-brindled Crescent, Purple Thorn
Wild LiquoriceAstragalus glycyphyllosBlackneck
Wild MadderRubia peregrinaBedstraw Hawk-moth, Hummingbird Hawk-moth
Wild MarjoramOriganum vulgareBlack-veined Moth, Burnished Brass, Double-striped Pug, Green Carpet, Lace Border, Large Blue, Mullein Wave, Shaded Pug, Wormwood Pug
Wild MignonetteReseda luteaLarge White, Small White
Wild ParsnipPastinaca sativaGrey Pug, Straw Belle, Triple-spotted Pug, White-spotted Pug
Wild PlumPrunus domesticaBuff Ermine, Buff-tip, Dark Tussock, Early Moth, Grass Eggar, Lunar Thorn, Orange Moth, Red Underwing, Scalloped Hazel, White-pinion Spotted
Wild PrivetLigustrum vulgareBarred Tooth-striped, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Copper Underwing, Coronet, Engrailed, Eyed Hawk-moth, Feathered Thorn, Lilac Beauty, March Moth, Pale Pinion, Privet Hawk-moth, Waved Umber, Yellow-barred Brindle
Wild RadishRaphanus raphanistrum ssp. raphanistrumGreen-veined White
Wild Service-treeSorbus torminalisBrimstone Moth, Feathered Thorn
Wild StrawberryFragaria vescaAnnulet, Beautiful Carpet, Common Marbled Carpet, Dark Marbled Carpet, Fox Moth, Ghost Moth, Grizzled Skipper, Kent Black Arches, Knot Grass, Old Lady, Yellow Shell
Wild ThymeThymus druceiAnnulet, Belted Beauty, Lace Border, Large Blue, Light Feathered Rustic, Satyr Pug, Straw Belle, Thyme Pug, Transparent Burnet, V-Pug
willowherbsEpilobium spp.Bedstraw Hawk-moth, Bright-line Brown-eye, Elephant Hawk-moth, Gothic, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Small Elephant Hawk-moth, Striped Hawk-moth
willowsSalix spp.Alder Moth, Autumn Green Carpet, Barred Chestnut, Barred Umber, Beaded Chestnut, Beautiful Brocade, Bordered Beauty, Bordered Sallow, Brick, Bright-line Brown-eye, Brindled Beauty, Brindled White-spot, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Broken-barred Carpet, Brown-spot Pinion, Brown-tail, Buff-tip, Cabbage Moth, Chestnut, Chocolate-tip, Clouded Border, Clouded Drab, Comma, Common Emerald, Common Pug, Common Quaker, Common Wave, Common White Wave, Copper Underwing, Coxcomb Prominent, Dark Chestnut, Dark Dagger, Dark Marbled Carpet, December Moth, Dingy Shears, Dot Moth, Dotted Border, Dotted Clay, Double Dart, Double Square-spot, Dun-bar, Early Thorn, Early Tooth-striped, Engrailed, Eyed Hawk-moth, Feathered Thorn, Flounced Chestnut, Fox Moth, Goat Moth, Golden-rod Brindle, Grass Eggar, Great Brocade, Great Oak Beauty, Green Arches, Green-brindled Crescent, Grey Arches, Grey Dagger, Grey Pug, Ground Lackey, Gypsy Moth, Hebrew Character, Herald, Hornet Moth, Ingrailed Clay, July Highflyer, Knot Grass, Lackey, Lappet, Large Thorn, Large Tortoiseshell, Least Yellow Underwing, Leopard Moth, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Light Emerald, Light Orange Underwing, Little Emerald, Little Thorn, Lobster Moth, Lunar Hornet Moth, Magpie, March Moth, Mottled Pug, Mottled Umber, Northern Drab, November Moth, Nut-tree Tussock, Oak Beauty, Old Lady, Pale Eggar, Pale November Moth, Pale Oak Beauty, Pale Pinion, Pale Prominent, Pale Tussock, Pale-shouldered Brocade, Pebble Prominent, Peppered Moth, Pink-barred Sallow, Poplar Grey, Poplar Hawk-moth, Poplar Kitten, Powdered Quaker, Purple Clay, Purple Thorn, Puss Moth, Red Chestnut, Red Sword-grass, Red Underwing, Red-line Quaker, Reed Dagger, Sallow, Sallow Kitten, Satellite, Satin Beauty, Satyr Pug, Saxon, Scalloped Hazel, Scalloped Oak, Scarce Chocolate-tip, Scarce Umber, Scarce Vapourer, Scorched Wing, Seraphim, Sharp-angled Peacock, Silvery Arches, Small Angle Shades, Small Autumnal Moth, Small Chocolate-tip, Small Quaker, Small Seraphim, Sprawler, Suspected, Svensson's Copper Underwing, Swallow Prominent, Triple-spotted Clay, Twin-spot Carpet, Twin-spotted Quaker, Vapourer, Waved Carpet, White Satin Moth, Winter Moth, Yellow-legged Clearwing, Yellow-line Quaker, Yellow-tail
Wilson's BarberryBerberis wilsoniaeScarce Tissue
Winter JasmineJasminum nudiflorumWaved Umber
Winter-cressBarbarea vulgarisOrange-tip
Wolf's-baneAconitum lycoctonumGolden Plusia
Wood AnenomeAnemone nemorosaFern, Twin-spot Carpet
Wood AvensGeum urbanumBeautiful Golden Y, Grizzled Skipper, Riband Wave
Wood Meadow-grassPoa nemoralisConfused, Double Line, Slender Brindle
Wood MelickMelica unifloraSlender Brindle
Wood MilletMilium effusumSlender Brindle
Wood SageTeucrium scorodoniaCinnabar, Feathered Brindle, Fox Moth, Mullein Wave, Speckled Yellow, Twin-spot Carpet
Wood Small-reedCalamagrostis epigejosConcolorous, Drinker, Gold Spot, Large Skipper, Lempke's Gold Spot, Mere Wainscot
Wood SpurgeEuphorbia amygdaloidesDouble Square-spot, Drab Looper
Wood VetchErvilia sylvaticaBlackneck, Scarce Blackneck
wood-rushesLuzula spp.Dotted Fan-foot, Twin-spot Carpet
Wood-sedgeCarex sylvaticaDotted Fan-foot, Silver Hook
Wood-sorrelOxalis acetosellaTwin-spot Carpet
WoodruffGalium odoratumBarred Straw, Cream Wave, Flame Shoulder, Green Carpet, Red Twin-spot Carpet
WormwoodArtemisia absinthiumTawny Speckled Pug, Wormwood
wormwoodsArtemisia spp.Bordered Pug, Wormwood Pug, Yellow Shell
woundwortsStachys spp.Speckled Yellow
Wych ElmUlmus glabraBlomer's Rivulet, Brick, Clouded Magpie, Clouded Silver, Dotted Border, Dusky-lemon Sallow, Engrailed, Lesser-spotted Pinion, Lunar-spotted Pinion, Orange Sallow, Pale Brindled Beauty, Pink-barred Sallow, Sallow, Scarlet Tiger, Small Brindled Beauty, Swallow-tailed Moth, White-letter Hairstreak, White-spotted Pinion, Yellow-legged Clearwing
YarrowAchillea millefoliumBelted Beauty, Bordered Pug, Cinnabar, Common Pug, Deep-brown Dart, Golden-rod Pug, Grey Pug, Mottled Beauty, Mullein Wave, Ruby Tiger, Silver-ground Carpet, Straw Belle, Tawny Speckled Pug, Wormwood Pug, Yarrow Pug, Yellow Shell
yarrowsAchillea spp.Burnished Brass
Yellow ArchangelLamiastrum galeobdolonSpeckled Yellow
Yellow CorydalisPseudofumaria luteaLarge Ranunculus
Yellow IrisIris pseudacorusBelted Beauty, Broom Moth, Crescent, Gold Spot, Grey Chi, Light Knot Grass, Red Sword-grass, Rosy Rustic, Rush Wainscot, Sweet Gale Moth, Sword-grass, Water Ermine, Webb's Wainscot
Yellow LoosestrifeLysimachia vulgarisDentated Pug, Golden-rod Pug, Reed Dagger, V-Pug, Water Ermine
Yellow SaxifrageSaxifraga aizoidesScotch Annulet, Yellow-ringed Carpet
Yellow-rattleRhinanthus minorBordered Straw, Grass Rivulet, Lead-coloured Pug, Satyr Pug
YewTaxus baccataEngrailed, Satin Beauty, Square Spot, Willow Beauty
Yorkshire-fogHolcus lanatusGold Spot, Lempke's Gold Spot, Lunar Underwing, Marbled White, Middle-barred Minor, Small Skipper, Speckled Wood, Wall